
class aws_cdk.aws_lambda.UtilizationScalingOptions(*, disable_scale_in=None, policy_name=None, scale_in_cooldown=None, scale_out_cooldown=None, utilization_target)

Bases: BaseTargetTrackingProps

Options for enabling Lambda utilization tracking.

  • disable_scale_in (Optional[bool]) – Indicates whether scale in by the target tracking policy is disabled. If the value is true, scale in is disabled and the target tracking policy won’t remove capacity from the scalable resource. Otherwise, scale in is enabled and the target tracking policy can remove capacity from the scalable resource. Default: false

  • policy_name (Optional[str]) – A name for the scaling policy. Default: - Automatically generated name.

  • scale_in_cooldown (Optional[Duration]) – Period after a scale in activity completes before another scale in activity can start. Default: Duration.seconds(300) for the following scalable targets: ECS services, Spot Fleet requests, EMR clusters, AppStream 2.0 fleets, Aurora DB clusters, Amazon SageMaker endpoint variants, Custom resources. For all other scalable targets, the default value is Duration.seconds(0): DynamoDB tables, DynamoDB global secondary indexes, Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoints, Lambda provisioned concurrency

  • scale_out_cooldown (Optional[Duration]) – Period after a scale out activity completes before another scale out activity can start. Default: Duration.seconds(300) for the following scalable targets: ECS services, Spot Fleet requests, EMR clusters, AppStream 2.0 fleets, Aurora DB clusters, Amazon SageMaker endpoint variants, Custom resources. For all other scalable targets, the default value is Duration.seconds(0): DynamoDB tables, DynamoDB global secondary indexes, Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoints, Lambda provisioned concurrency

  • utilization_target (Union[int, float]) – Utilization target for the attribute. For example, .5 indicates that 50 percent of allocated provisioned concurrency is in use.




import aws_cdk.aws_autoscaling as autoscaling

# fn: lambda.Function

alias = fn.add_alias("prod")

# Create AutoScaling target
as = alias.add_auto_scaling(max_capacity=50)

# Configure Target Tracking

# Configure Scheduled Scaling
    schedule=autoscaling.Schedule.cron(hour="8", minute="0"),



Indicates whether scale in by the target tracking policy is disabled.

If the value is true, scale in is disabled and the target tracking policy won’t remove capacity from the scalable resource. Otherwise, scale in is enabled and the target tracking policy can remove capacity from the scalable resource.




A name for the scaling policy.

  • Automatically generated name.


Period after a scale in activity completes before another scale in activity can start.


Duration.seconds(300) for the following scalable targets: ECS services, Spot Fleet requests, EMR clusters, AppStream 2.0 fleets, Aurora DB clusters, Amazon SageMaker endpoint variants, Custom resources. For all other scalable targets, the default value is Duration.seconds(0): DynamoDB tables, DynamoDB global secondary indexes, Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoints, Lambda provisioned concurrency


Period after a scale out activity completes before another scale out activity can start.


Duration.seconds(300) for the following scalable targets: ECS services, Spot Fleet requests, EMR clusters, AppStream 2.0 fleets, Aurora DB clusters, Amazon SageMaker endpoint variants, Custom resources. For all other scalable targets, the default value is Duration.seconds(0): DynamoDB tables, DynamoDB global secondary indexes, Amazon Comprehend document classification endpoints, Lambda provisioned concurrency


Utilization target for the attribute.

For example, .5 indicates that 50 percent of allocated provisioned concurrency is in use.