Namespace Amazon.CDK.AWS.IoTAnalytics
AWS IoT Analytics Construct Library
---AWS CDK v1 has reached End-of-Support on 2023-06-01.
This package is no longer being updated, and users should migrate to AWS CDK v2.
For more information on how to migrate, see the Migrating to AWS CDK v2 guide.
This module is part of the AWS Cloud Development Kit project.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.IoTAnalytics;
There are no official hand-written (L2) constructs for this service yet. Here are some suggestions on how to proceed:
There are no hand-written (L2) constructs for this service yet. However, you can still use the automatically generated L1 constructs, and use this service exactly as you would using CloudFormation directly.
For more information on the resources and properties available for this service, see the CloudFormation documentation for AWS::IoTAnalytics.
(Read the CDK Contributing Guide and submit an RFC if you are interested in contributing to this construct library.)
CfnChannel | A CloudFormation |
CfnChannel.ChannelStorageProperty | Where channel data is stored. |
CfnChannel.CustomerManagedS3Property | Used to store channel data in an S3 bucket that you manage. |
CfnChannel.RetentionPeriodProperty | How long, in days, message data is kept. |
CfnChannelProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnDataset | A CloudFormation |
CfnDataset.ActionProperty | Information needed to run the "containerAction" to produce data set contents. |
CfnDataset.ContainerActionProperty | Information needed to run the "containerAction" to produce data set contents. |
CfnDataset.DatasetContentDeliveryRuleDestinationProperty | The destination to which dataset contents are delivered. |
CfnDataset.DatasetContentDeliveryRuleProperty | When dataset contents are created, they are delivered to destination specified here. |
CfnDataset.DatasetContentVersionValueProperty | The dataset whose latest contents are used as input to the notebook or application. |
CfnDataset.DeltaTimeProperty | Used to limit data to that which has arrived since the last execution of the action. |
CfnDataset.DeltaTimeSessionWindowConfigurationProperty | A structure that contains the configuration information of a delta time session window. |
CfnDataset.FilterProperty | Information which is used to filter message data, to segregate it according to the time frame in which it arrives. |
CfnDataset.GlueConfigurationProperty | Configuration information for coordination with AWS Glue , a fully managed extract, transform and load (ETL) service. |
CfnDataset.IotEventsDestinationConfigurationProperty | Configuration information for delivery of dataset contents to AWS IoT Events . |
CfnDataset.LateDataRuleConfigurationProperty | The information needed to configure a delta time session window. |
CfnDataset.LateDataRuleProperty | A structure that contains the name and configuration information of a late data rule. |
CfnDataset.OutputFileUriValueProperty | The value of the variable as a structure that specifies an output file URI. |
CfnDataset.QueryActionProperty | An "SqlQueryDatasetAction" object that uses an SQL query to automatically create data set contents. |
CfnDataset.ResourceConfigurationProperty | The configuration of the resource used to execute the |
CfnDataset.RetentionPeriodProperty | How long, in days, message data is kept. |
CfnDataset.S3DestinationConfigurationProperty | Configuration information for delivery of dataset contents to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). |
CfnDataset.ScheduleProperty | The schedule for when to trigger an update. |
CfnDataset.TriggeringDatasetProperty | Information about the dataset whose content generation triggers the new dataset content generation. |
CfnDataset.TriggerProperty | The "DatasetTrigger" that specifies when the data set is automatically updated. |
CfnDataset.VariableProperty | An instance of a variable to be passed to the |
CfnDataset.VersioningConfigurationProperty | Information about the versioning of dataset contents. |
CfnDatasetProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnDatastore | A CloudFormation |
CfnDatastore.ColumnProperty | Contains information about a column that stores your data. |
CfnDatastore.CustomerManagedS3Property | S3-customer-managed; |
CfnDatastore.CustomerManagedS3StorageProperty | Amazon S3 -customer-managed; |
CfnDatastore.DatastorePartitionProperty | A single dimension to partition a data store. |
CfnDatastore.DatastorePartitionsProperty | Information about the partition dimensions in a data store. |
CfnDatastore.DatastoreStorageProperty | Where data store data is stored. |
CfnDatastore.FileFormatConfigurationProperty | Contains the configuration information of file formats. AWS IoT Analytics data stores support JSON and Parquet . |
CfnDatastore.IotSiteWiseMultiLayerStorageProperty | Stores data used by AWS IoT SiteWise in an Amazon S3 bucket that you manage. |
CfnDatastore.ParquetConfigurationProperty | Contains the configuration information of the Parquet format. |
CfnDatastore.PartitionProperty | A single dimension to partition a data store. |
CfnDatastore.RetentionPeriodProperty | How long, in days, message data is kept. |
CfnDatastore.SchemaDefinitionProperty | Information needed to define a schema. |
CfnDatastore.TimestampPartitionProperty | A partition dimension defined by a timestamp attribute. |
CfnDatastoreProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnPipeline | A CloudFormation |
CfnPipeline.ActivityProperty | An activity that performs a transformation on a message. |
CfnPipeline.AddAttributesProperty | An activity that adds other attributes based on existing attributes in the message. |
CfnPipeline.ChannelProperty | Determines the source of the messages to be processed. |
CfnPipeline.DatastoreProperty | The datastore activity that specifies where to store the processed data. |
CfnPipeline.DeviceRegistryEnrichProperty | An activity that adds data from the AWS IoT device registry to your message. |
CfnPipeline.DeviceShadowEnrichProperty | An activity that adds information from the AWS IoT Device Shadows service to a message. |
CfnPipeline.FilterProperty | An activity that filters a message based on its attributes. |
CfnPipeline.LambdaProperty | An activity that runs a Lambda function to modify the message. |
CfnPipeline.MathProperty | An activity that computes an arithmetic expression using the message's attributes. |
CfnPipeline.RemoveAttributesProperty | An activity that removes attributes from a message. |
CfnPipeline.SelectAttributesProperty | Creates a new message using only the specified attributes from the original message. |
CfnPipelineProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnChannel.IChannelStorageProperty | Where channel data is stored. |
CfnChannel.ICustomerManagedS3Property | Used to store channel data in an S3 bucket that you manage. |
CfnChannel.IRetentionPeriodProperty | How long, in days, message data is kept. |
CfnDataset.IActionProperty | Information needed to run the "containerAction" to produce data set contents. |
CfnDataset.IContainerActionProperty | Information needed to run the "containerAction" to produce data set contents. |
CfnDataset.IDatasetContentDeliveryRuleDestinationProperty | The destination to which dataset contents are delivered. |
CfnDataset.IDatasetContentDeliveryRuleProperty | When dataset contents are created, they are delivered to destination specified here. |
CfnDataset.IDatasetContentVersionValueProperty | The dataset whose latest contents are used as input to the notebook or application. |
CfnDataset.IDeltaTimeProperty | Used to limit data to that which has arrived since the last execution of the action. |
CfnDataset.IDeltaTimeSessionWindowConfigurationProperty | A structure that contains the configuration information of a delta time session window. |
CfnDataset.IFilterProperty | Information which is used to filter message data, to segregate it according to the time frame in which it arrives. |
CfnDataset.IGlueConfigurationProperty | Configuration information for coordination with AWS Glue , a fully managed extract, transform and load (ETL) service. |
CfnDataset.IIotEventsDestinationConfigurationProperty | Configuration information for delivery of dataset contents to AWS IoT Events . |
CfnDataset.ILateDataRuleConfigurationProperty | The information needed to configure a delta time session window. |
CfnDataset.ILateDataRuleProperty | A structure that contains the name and configuration information of a late data rule. |
CfnDataset.IOutputFileUriValueProperty | The value of the variable as a structure that specifies an output file URI. |
CfnDataset.IQueryActionProperty | An "SqlQueryDatasetAction" object that uses an SQL query to automatically create data set contents. |
CfnDataset.IResourceConfigurationProperty | The configuration of the resource used to execute the |
CfnDataset.IRetentionPeriodProperty | How long, in days, message data is kept. |
CfnDataset.IS3DestinationConfigurationProperty | Configuration information for delivery of dataset contents to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). |
CfnDataset.IScheduleProperty | The schedule for when to trigger an update. |
CfnDataset.ITriggeringDatasetProperty | Information about the dataset whose content generation triggers the new dataset content generation. |
CfnDataset.ITriggerProperty | The "DatasetTrigger" that specifies when the data set is automatically updated. |
CfnDataset.IVariableProperty | An instance of a variable to be passed to the |
CfnDataset.IVersioningConfigurationProperty | Information about the versioning of dataset contents. |
CfnDatastore.IColumnProperty | Contains information about a column that stores your data. |
CfnDatastore.ICustomerManagedS3Property | S3-customer-managed; |
CfnDatastore.ICustomerManagedS3StorageProperty | Amazon S3 -customer-managed; |
CfnDatastore.IDatastorePartitionProperty | A single dimension to partition a data store. |
CfnDatastore.IDatastorePartitionsProperty | Information about the partition dimensions in a data store. |
CfnDatastore.IDatastoreStorageProperty | Where data store data is stored. |
CfnDatastore.IFileFormatConfigurationProperty | Contains the configuration information of file formats. AWS IoT Analytics data stores support JSON and Parquet . |
CfnDatastore.IIotSiteWiseMultiLayerStorageProperty | Stores data used by AWS IoT SiteWise in an Amazon S3 bucket that you manage. |
CfnDatastore.IParquetConfigurationProperty | Contains the configuration information of the Parquet format. |
CfnDatastore.IPartitionProperty | A single dimension to partition a data store. |
CfnDatastore.IRetentionPeriodProperty | How long, in days, message data is kept. |
CfnDatastore.ISchemaDefinitionProperty | Information needed to define a schema. |
CfnDatastore.ITimestampPartitionProperty | A partition dimension defined by a timestamp attribute. |
CfnPipeline.IActivityProperty | An activity that performs a transformation on a message. |
CfnPipeline.IAddAttributesProperty | An activity that adds other attributes based on existing attributes in the message. |
CfnPipeline.IChannelProperty | Determines the source of the messages to be processed. |
CfnPipeline.IDatastoreProperty | The datastore activity that specifies where to store the processed data. |
CfnPipeline.IDeviceRegistryEnrichProperty | An activity that adds data from the AWS IoT device registry to your message. |
CfnPipeline.IDeviceShadowEnrichProperty | An activity that adds information from the AWS IoT Device Shadows service to a message. |
CfnPipeline.IFilterProperty | An activity that filters a message based on its attributes. |
CfnPipeline.ILambdaProperty | An activity that runs a Lambda function to modify the message. |
CfnPipeline.IMathProperty | An activity that computes an arithmetic expression using the message's attributes. |
CfnPipeline.IRemoveAttributesProperty | An activity that removes attributes from a message. |
CfnPipeline.ISelectAttributesProperty | Creates a new message using only the specified attributes from the original message. |
ICfnChannelProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnDatasetProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnDatastoreProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnPipelineProps | Properties for defining a |