Class CfnRule
The Rules that define template constraints in an AWS Service Catalog portfolio describe when end users can use the template and which values they can specify for parameters that are declared in the AWS CloudFormation template used to create the product they are attempting to use.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Amazon.CDK
Assembly: Amazon.CDK.dll
Syntax (csharp)
public class CfnRule : CfnRefElement, IConstruct, IDependable
Syntax (vb)
Public Class CfnRule
Inherits CfnRefElement
Implements IConstruct, IDependable
Rules are useful for preventing end users from inadvertently specifying an incorrect value. For example, you can add a rule to verify whether end users specified a valid subnet in a given VPC or used m1.small instance types for test environments. AWS CloudFormation uses rules to validate parameter values before it creates the resources for the product.
A rule can include a RuleCondition property and must include an Assertions property. For each rule, you can define only one rule condition; you can define one or more asserts within the Assertions property. You define a rule condition and assertions by using rule-specific intrinsic functions.
ExampleMetadata: infused
CfnInclude cfnTemplate;
// mutating the rule
CfnParameter myParameter;
var rule = cfnTemplate.GetRule("MyRule");
rule.AddAssertion(Fn.ConditionContains(new [] { "m1.small" }, myParameter.ValueAsString), "MyParameter has to be m1.small");
CfnRule(ByRefValue) | Used by jsii to construct an instance of this class from a Javascript-owned object reference |
CfnRule(DeputyBase.DeputyProps) | Used by jsii to construct an instance of this class from DeputyProps |
CfnRule(Construct, String, ICfnRuleProps) | Creates and adds a rule. |
AddAssertion(ICfnConditionExpression, String) | Adds an assertion to the rule. |
Used by jsii to construct an instance of this class from a Javascript-owned object reference
protected CfnRule(ByRefValue reference)
- reference Amazon.JSII.Runtime.Deputy.ByRefValue
The Javascript-owned object reference
Used by jsii to construct an instance of this class from DeputyProps
protected CfnRule(DeputyBase.DeputyProps props)
- props Amazon.JSII.Runtime.Deputy.DeputyBase.DeputyProps
The deputy props
CfnRule(Construct, String, ICfnRuleProps)
Creates and adds a rule.
public CfnRule(Construct scope, string id, ICfnRuleProps props = null)
- scope Constructs.Construct
The parent construct.
- id System.String
The parent construct.
- props ICfnRuleProps
The rule props.
AddAssertion(ICfnConditionExpression, String)
Adds an assertion to the rule.
public virtual void AddAssertion(ICfnConditionExpression condition, string description)
- condition ICfnConditionExpression
The expression to evaluation.
- description System.String
The description of the assertion.