Class CfnGatewayRoute.GatewayRouteSpecProperty
An object that represents a gateway route specification.
Namespace: Amazon.CDK.AWS.AppMesh
Assembly: Amazon.CDK.Lib.dll
Syntax (csharp)
public class GatewayRouteSpecProperty : Object, CfnGatewayRoute.IGatewayRouteSpecProperty
Syntax (vb)
Public Class GatewayRouteSpecProperty
Inherits Object
Implements CfnGatewayRoute.IGatewayRouteSpecProperty
Specify one gateway route type.
ExampleMetadata: fixture=_generated
// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.AppMesh;
var gatewayRouteSpecProperty = new GatewayRouteSpecProperty {
GrpcRoute = new GrpcGatewayRouteProperty {
Action = new GrpcGatewayRouteActionProperty {
Target = new GatewayRouteTargetProperty {
VirtualService = new GatewayRouteVirtualServiceProperty {
VirtualServiceName = "virtualServiceName"
// the properties below are optional
Port = 123
// the properties below are optional
Rewrite = new GrpcGatewayRouteRewriteProperty {
Hostname = new GatewayRouteHostnameRewriteProperty {
DefaultTargetHostname = "defaultTargetHostname"
Match = new GrpcGatewayRouteMatchProperty {
Hostname = new GatewayRouteHostnameMatchProperty {
Exact = "exact",
Suffix = "suffix"
Metadata = new [] { new GrpcGatewayRouteMetadataProperty {
Name = "name",
// the properties below are optional
Invert = false,
Match = new GatewayRouteMetadataMatchProperty {
Exact = "exact",
Prefix = "prefix",
Range = new GatewayRouteRangeMatchProperty {
End = 123,
Start = 123
Regex = "regex",
Suffix = "suffix"
} },
Port = 123,
ServiceName = "serviceName"
Http2Route = new HttpGatewayRouteProperty {
Action = new HttpGatewayRouteActionProperty {
Target = new GatewayRouteTargetProperty {
VirtualService = new GatewayRouteVirtualServiceProperty {
VirtualServiceName = "virtualServiceName"
// the properties below are optional
Port = 123
// the properties below are optional
Rewrite = new HttpGatewayRouteRewriteProperty {
Hostname = new GatewayRouteHostnameRewriteProperty {
DefaultTargetHostname = "defaultTargetHostname"
Path = new HttpGatewayRoutePathRewriteProperty {
Exact = "exact"
Prefix = new HttpGatewayRoutePrefixRewriteProperty {
DefaultPrefix = "defaultPrefix",
Value = "value"
Match = new HttpGatewayRouteMatchProperty {
Headers = new [] { new HttpGatewayRouteHeaderProperty {
Name = "name",
// the properties below are optional
Invert = false,
Match = new HttpGatewayRouteHeaderMatchProperty {
Exact = "exact",
Prefix = "prefix",
Range = new GatewayRouteRangeMatchProperty {
End = 123,
Start = 123
Regex = "regex",
Suffix = "suffix"
} },
Hostname = new GatewayRouteHostnameMatchProperty {
Exact = "exact",
Suffix = "suffix"
Method = "method",
Path = new HttpPathMatchProperty {
Exact = "exact",
Regex = "regex"
Port = 123,
Prefix = "prefix",
QueryParameters = new [] { new QueryParameterProperty {
Name = "name",
// the properties below are optional
Match = new HttpQueryParameterMatchProperty {
Exact = "exact"
} }
HttpRoute = new HttpGatewayRouteProperty {
Action = new HttpGatewayRouteActionProperty {
Target = new GatewayRouteTargetProperty {
VirtualService = new GatewayRouteVirtualServiceProperty {
VirtualServiceName = "virtualServiceName"
// the properties below are optional
Port = 123
// the properties below are optional
Rewrite = new HttpGatewayRouteRewriteProperty {
Hostname = new GatewayRouteHostnameRewriteProperty {
DefaultTargetHostname = "defaultTargetHostname"
Path = new HttpGatewayRoutePathRewriteProperty {
Exact = "exact"
Prefix = new HttpGatewayRoutePrefixRewriteProperty {
DefaultPrefix = "defaultPrefix",
Value = "value"
Match = new HttpGatewayRouteMatchProperty {
Headers = new [] { new HttpGatewayRouteHeaderProperty {
Name = "name",
// the properties below are optional
Invert = false,
Match = new HttpGatewayRouteHeaderMatchProperty {
Exact = "exact",
Prefix = "prefix",
Range = new GatewayRouteRangeMatchProperty {
End = 123,
Start = 123
Regex = "regex",
Suffix = "suffix"
} },
Hostname = new GatewayRouteHostnameMatchProperty {
Exact = "exact",
Suffix = "suffix"
Method = "method",
Path = new HttpPathMatchProperty {
Exact = "exact",
Regex = "regex"
Port = 123,
Prefix = "prefix",
QueryParameters = new [] { new QueryParameterProperty {
Name = "name",
// the properties below are optional
Match = new HttpQueryParameterMatchProperty {
Exact = "exact"
} }
Priority = 123
GatewayRouteSpecProperty() |
GrpcRoute | An object that represents the specification of a gRPC gateway route. |
Http2Route | An object that represents the specification of an HTTP/2 gateway route. |
HttpRoute | An object that represents the specification of an HTTP gateway route. |
Priority | The ordering of the gateway routes spec. |
public GatewayRouteSpecProperty()
An object that represents the specification of a gRPC gateway route.
public object GrpcRoute { get; set; }
Property Value
An object that represents the specification of an HTTP/2 gateway route.
public object Http2Route { get; set; }
Property Value
An object that represents the specification of an HTTP gateway route.
public object HttpRoute { get; set; }
Property Value
The ordering of the gateway routes spec.
public Nullable<double> Priority { get; set; }
Property Value