Class CfnVirtualGatewayProps
Properties for defining a CfnVirtualGateway
Namespace: Amazon.CDK.AWS.AppMesh
Assembly: Amazon.CDK.Lib.dll
Syntax (csharp)
public class CfnVirtualGatewayProps : Object, ICfnVirtualGatewayProps
Syntax (vb)
Public Class CfnVirtualGatewayProps
Inherits Object
Implements ICfnVirtualGatewayProps
ExampleMetadata: fixture=_generated
// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.AppMesh;
var cfnVirtualGatewayProps = new CfnVirtualGatewayProps {
MeshName = "meshName",
Spec = new VirtualGatewaySpecProperty {
Listeners = new [] { new VirtualGatewayListenerProperty {
PortMapping = new VirtualGatewayPortMappingProperty {
Port = 123,
Protocol = "protocol"
// the properties below are optional
ConnectionPool = new VirtualGatewayConnectionPoolProperty {
Grpc = new VirtualGatewayGrpcConnectionPoolProperty {
MaxRequests = 123
Http = new VirtualGatewayHttpConnectionPoolProperty {
MaxConnections = 123,
// the properties below are optional
MaxPendingRequests = 123
Http2 = new VirtualGatewayHttp2ConnectionPoolProperty {
MaxRequests = 123
HealthCheck = new VirtualGatewayHealthCheckPolicyProperty {
HealthyThreshold = 123,
IntervalMillis = 123,
Protocol = "protocol",
TimeoutMillis = 123,
UnhealthyThreshold = 123,
// the properties below are optional
Path = "path",
Port = 123
Tls = new VirtualGatewayListenerTlsProperty {
Certificate = new VirtualGatewayListenerTlsCertificateProperty {
Acm = new VirtualGatewayListenerTlsAcmCertificateProperty {
CertificateArn = "certificateArn"
File = new VirtualGatewayListenerTlsFileCertificateProperty {
CertificateChain = "certificateChain",
PrivateKey = "privateKey"
Sds = new VirtualGatewayListenerTlsSdsCertificateProperty {
SecretName = "secretName"
Mode = "mode",
// the properties below are optional
Validation = new VirtualGatewayListenerTlsValidationContextProperty {
Trust = new VirtualGatewayListenerTlsValidationContextTrustProperty {
File = new VirtualGatewayTlsValidationContextFileTrustProperty {
CertificateChain = "certificateChain"
Sds = new VirtualGatewayTlsValidationContextSdsTrustProperty {
SecretName = "secretName"
// the properties below are optional
SubjectAlternativeNames = new SubjectAlternativeNamesProperty {
Match = new SubjectAlternativeNameMatchersProperty {
Exact = new [] { "exact" }
} },
// the properties below are optional
BackendDefaults = new VirtualGatewayBackendDefaultsProperty {
ClientPolicy = new VirtualGatewayClientPolicyProperty {
Tls = new VirtualGatewayClientPolicyTlsProperty {
Validation = new VirtualGatewayTlsValidationContextProperty {
Trust = new VirtualGatewayTlsValidationContextTrustProperty {
Acm = new VirtualGatewayTlsValidationContextAcmTrustProperty {
CertificateAuthorityArns = new [] { "certificateAuthorityArns" }
File = new VirtualGatewayTlsValidationContextFileTrustProperty {
CertificateChain = "certificateChain"
Sds = new VirtualGatewayTlsValidationContextSdsTrustProperty {
SecretName = "secretName"
// the properties below are optional
SubjectAlternativeNames = new SubjectAlternativeNamesProperty {
Match = new SubjectAlternativeNameMatchersProperty {
Exact = new [] { "exact" }
// the properties below are optional
Certificate = new VirtualGatewayClientTlsCertificateProperty {
File = new VirtualGatewayListenerTlsFileCertificateProperty {
CertificateChain = "certificateChain",
PrivateKey = "privateKey"
Sds = new VirtualGatewayListenerTlsSdsCertificateProperty {
SecretName = "secretName"
Enforce = false,
Ports = new [] { 123 }
Logging = new VirtualGatewayLoggingProperty {
AccessLog = new VirtualGatewayAccessLogProperty {
File = new VirtualGatewayFileAccessLogProperty {
Path = "path",
// the properties below are optional
Format = new LoggingFormatProperty {
Json = new [] { new JsonFormatRefProperty {
Key = "key",
Value = "value"
} },
Text = "text"
// the properties below are optional
MeshOwner = "meshOwner",
Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {
Key = "key",
Value = "value"
} },
VirtualGatewayName = "virtualGatewayName"
CfnVirtualGatewayProps() |
MeshName | The name of the service mesh that the virtual gateway resides in. |
MeshOwner | The AWS IAM account ID of the service mesh owner. |
Spec | The specifications of the virtual gateway. |
Tags | Optional metadata that you can apply to the virtual gateway to assist with categorization and organization. |
VirtualGatewayName | The name of the virtual gateway. |
public CfnVirtualGatewayProps()
The name of the service mesh that the virtual gateway resides in.
public string MeshName { get; set; }
Property Value
The AWS IAM account ID of the service mesh owner.
public string MeshOwner { get; set; }
Property Value
If the account ID is not your own, then it's the ID of the account that shared the mesh with your account. For more information about mesh sharing, see Working with shared meshes .
The specifications of the virtual gateway.
public object Spec { get; set; }
Property Value
Optional metadata that you can apply to the virtual gateway to assist with categorization and organization.
public ICfnTag[] Tags { get; set; }
Property Value
Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. Tag keys can have a maximum character length of 128 characters, and tag values can have a maximum length of 256 characters.
The name of the virtual gateway.
public string VirtualGatewayName { get; set; }
Property Value