Interface IVirtualNodeListenerConfig
Properties for a VirtualNode listener.
Namespace: Amazon.CDK.AWS.AppMesh
Assembly: Amazon.CDK.Lib.dll
Syntax (csharp)
public interface IVirtualNodeListenerConfig
Syntax (vb)
Public Interface IVirtualNodeListenerConfig
ExampleMetadata: fixture=_generated
// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.AppMesh;
var virtualNodeListenerConfig = new VirtualNodeListenerConfig {
Listener = new ListenerProperty {
PortMapping = new PortMappingProperty {
Port = 123,
Protocol = "protocol"
// the properties below are optional
ConnectionPool = new VirtualNodeConnectionPoolProperty {
Grpc = new VirtualNodeGrpcConnectionPoolProperty {
MaxRequests = 123
Http = new VirtualNodeHttpConnectionPoolProperty {
MaxConnections = 123,
// the properties below are optional
MaxPendingRequests = 123
Http2 = new VirtualNodeHttp2ConnectionPoolProperty {
MaxRequests = 123
Tcp = new VirtualNodeTcpConnectionPoolProperty {
MaxConnections = 123
HealthCheck = new HealthCheckProperty {
HealthyThreshold = 123,
IntervalMillis = 123,
Protocol = "protocol",
TimeoutMillis = 123,
UnhealthyThreshold = 123,
// the properties below are optional
Path = "path",
Port = 123
OutlierDetection = new OutlierDetectionProperty {
BaseEjectionDuration = new DurationProperty {
Unit = "unit",
Value = 123
Interval = new DurationProperty {
Unit = "unit",
Value = 123
MaxEjectionPercent = 123,
MaxServerErrors = 123
Timeout = new ListenerTimeoutProperty {
Grpc = new GrpcTimeoutProperty {
Idle = new DurationProperty {
Unit = "unit",
Value = 123
PerRequest = new DurationProperty {
Unit = "unit",
Value = 123
Http = new HttpTimeoutProperty {
Idle = new DurationProperty {
Unit = "unit",
Value = 123
PerRequest = new DurationProperty {
Unit = "unit",
Value = 123
Http2 = new HttpTimeoutProperty {
Idle = new DurationProperty {
Unit = "unit",
Value = 123
PerRequest = new DurationProperty {
Unit = "unit",
Value = 123
Tcp = new TcpTimeoutProperty {
Idle = new DurationProperty {
Unit = "unit",
Value = 123
Tls = new ListenerTlsProperty {
Certificate = new ListenerTlsCertificateProperty {
Acm = new ListenerTlsAcmCertificateProperty {
CertificateArn = "certificateArn"
File = new ListenerTlsFileCertificateProperty {
CertificateChain = "certificateChain",
PrivateKey = "privateKey"
Sds = new ListenerTlsSdsCertificateProperty {
SecretName = "secretName"
Mode = "mode",
// the properties below are optional
Validation = new ListenerTlsValidationContextProperty {
Trust = new ListenerTlsValidationContextTrustProperty {
File = new TlsValidationContextFileTrustProperty {
CertificateChain = "certificateChain"
Sds = new TlsValidationContextSdsTrustProperty {
SecretName = "secretName"
// the properties below are optional
SubjectAlternativeNames = new SubjectAlternativeNamesProperty {
Match = new SubjectAlternativeNameMatchersProperty {
Exact = new [] { "exact" }
Listener | Single listener config for a VirtualNode. |
Single listener config for a VirtualNode.
CfnVirtualNode.IListenerProperty Listener { get; }
Property Value