Interface IBaseServiceProps
Complete base service properties that are required to be supplied by the implementation of the BaseService class.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Amazon.CDK.AWS.ECS
Assembly: Amazon.CDK.Lib.dll
Syntax (csharp)
public interface IBaseServiceProps : IBaseServiceOptions
Syntax (vb)
Public Interface IBaseServiceProps
Inherits IBaseServiceOptions
ExampleMetadata: fixture=_generated
// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
using Amazon.CDK;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.ECS;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.ServiceDiscovery;
Cluster cluster;
ContainerDefinition containerDefinition;
LogDriver logDriver;
INamespace namespace;
ServiceManagedVolume serviceManagedVolume;
TaskDefinitionRevision taskDefinitionRevision;
var baseServiceProps = new BaseServiceProps {
Cluster = cluster,
LaunchType = LaunchType.EC2,
// the properties below are optional
CapacityProviderStrategies = new [] { new CapacityProviderStrategy {
CapacityProvider = "capacityProvider",
// the properties below are optional
Base = 123,
Weight = 123
} },
CircuitBreaker = new DeploymentCircuitBreaker {
Enable = false,
Rollback = false
CloudMapOptions = new CloudMapOptions {
CloudMapNamespace = namespace,
Container = containerDefinition,
ContainerPort = 123,
DnsRecordType = DnsRecordType.A,
DnsTtl = Duration.Minutes(30),
FailureThreshold = 123,
Name = "name"
DeploymentAlarms = new DeploymentAlarmConfig {
AlarmNames = new [] { "alarmNames" },
// the properties below are optional
Behavior = AlarmBehavior.ROLLBACK_ON_ALARM
DeploymentController = new DeploymentController {
Type = DeploymentControllerType.ECS
DesiredCount = 123,
EnableECSManagedTags = false,
EnableExecuteCommand = false,
HealthCheckGracePeriod = Duration.Minutes(30),
MaxHealthyPercent = 123,
MinHealthyPercent = 123,
PropagateTags = PropagatedTagSource.SERVICE,
ServiceConnectConfiguration = new ServiceConnectProps {
LogDriver = logDriver,
Namespace = "namespace",
Services = new [] { new ServiceConnectService {
PortMappingName = "portMappingName",
// the properties below are optional
DiscoveryName = "discoveryName",
DnsName = "dnsName",
IdleTimeout = Duration.Minutes(30),
IngressPortOverride = 123,
PerRequestTimeout = Duration.Minutes(30),
Port = 123
} }
ServiceName = "serviceName",
TaskDefinitionRevision = taskDefinitionRevision,
VolumeConfigurations = new [] { serviceManagedVolume }
LaunchType | The launch type on which to run your service. |
The launch type on which to run your service.
LaunchType LaunchType { get; }
Property Value
LaunchType will be omitted if capacity provider strategies are specified on the service.
Valid values are: LaunchType.ECS or LaunchType.FARGATE or LaunchType.EXTERNAL