Interface INodegroupProps
(experimental) NodeGroup properties interface.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Amazon.CDK.AWS.Eks.V2.Alpha
Assembly: Amazon.CDK.AWS.Eks.V2.Alpha.dll
Syntax (csharp)
public interface INodegroupProps : INodegroupOptions
Syntax (vb)
Public Interface INodegroupProps
Inherits INodegroupOptions
Stability: Experimental
ExampleMetadata: fixture=_generated
// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Eks.V2.Alpha;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.EC2;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;
Cluster cluster;
InstanceType instanceType;
Role role;
SecurityGroup securityGroup;
Subnet subnet;
SubnetFilter subnetFilter;
var nodegroupProps = new NodegroupProps {
Cluster = cluster,
// the properties below are optional
AmiType = NodegroupAmiType.AL2_X86_64,
CapacityType = CapacityType.SPOT,
DesiredSize = 123,
DiskSize = 123,
ForceUpdate = false,
InstanceType = instanceType,
InstanceTypes = new [] { instanceType },
Labels = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "labelsKey", "labels" }
LaunchTemplateSpec = new LaunchTemplateSpec {
Id = "id",
// the properties below are optional
Version = "version"
MaxSize = 123,
MaxUnavailable = 123,
MaxUnavailablePercentage = 123,
MinSize = 123,
NodegroupName = "nodegroupName",
NodeRole = role,
ReleaseVersion = "releaseVersion",
RemoteAccess = new NodegroupRemoteAccess {
SshKeyName = "sshKeyName",
// the properties below are optional
SourceSecurityGroups = new [] { securityGroup }
Subnets = new SubnetSelection {
AvailabilityZones = new [] { "availabilityZones" },
OnePerAz = false,
SubnetFilters = new [] { subnetFilter },
SubnetGroupName = "subnetGroupName",
Subnets = new [] { subnet },
SubnetType = SubnetType.PRIVATE_ISOLATED
Tags = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "tagsKey", "tags" }
Taints = new [] { new TaintSpec {
Effect = TaintEffect.NO_SCHEDULE,
Key = "key",
Value = "value"
} }
Cluster | (experimental) Cluster resource. |
(experimental) Cluster resource.
ICluster Cluster { get; }
Property Value
Stability: Experimental