Namespace Amazon.CDK.AWS.GlobalAccelerator
AWS::GlobalAccelerator Construct Library
AWS Global Accelerator (AGA) is a service that improves the availability and performance of your applications with local or global users.
It intercepts your user's network connection at an edge location close to them, and routes it to one of potentially multiple, redundant backends across the more reliable and less congested AWS global network.
AGA can be used to route traffic to Application Load Balancers, Network Load Balancers, EC2 Instances and Elastic IP Addresses.
For more information, see the AWS Global Accelerator Developer Guide.
Here's an example that sets up a Global Accelerator for two Application Load Balancers in two different AWS Regions:
// Create an Accelerator
var accelerator = new Accelerator(this, "Accelerator");
// Create a Listener
var listener = accelerator.AddListener("Listener", new ListenerOptions {
PortRanges = new [] { new PortRange { FromPort = 80 }, new PortRange { FromPort = 443 } }
// Import the Load Balancers
var nlb1 = NetworkLoadBalancer.FromNetworkLoadBalancerAttributes(this, "NLB1", new NetworkLoadBalancerAttributes {
LoadBalancerArn = "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:111111111111:loadbalancer/app/my-load-balancer1/e16bef66805b"
var nlb2 = NetworkLoadBalancer.FromNetworkLoadBalancerAttributes(this, "NLB2", new NetworkLoadBalancerAttributes {
LoadBalancerArn = "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-south-1:111111111111:loadbalancer/app/my-load-balancer2/5513dc2ea8a1"
// Add one EndpointGroup for each Region we are targeting
listener.AddEndpointGroup("Group1", new EndpointGroupOptions {
Endpoints = new [] { new NetworkLoadBalancerEndpoint(nlb1) }
listener.AddEndpointGroup("Group2", new EndpointGroupOptions {
// Imported load balancers automatically calculate their Region from the ARN.
// If you are load balancing to other resources, you must also pass a `region`
// parameter here.
Endpoints = new [] { new NetworkLoadBalancerEndpoint(nlb2) }
Create an Accelerator with IP addresses and IP address type
var accelerator = new Accelerator(this, "Accelerator", new AcceleratorProps {
IpAddresses = new [] { "", "" },
IpAddressType = IpAddressType.IPV4
The Accelerator construct defines a Global Accelerator resource.
An Accelerator includes one or more Listeners that accepts inbound connections on one or more ports.
Each Listener has one or more Endpoint Groups, representing multiple geographically distributed copies of your application. There is one Endpoint Group per Region, and user traffic is routed to the closest Region by default.
An Endpoint Group consists of one or more Endpoints, which is where the user traffic coming in on the Listener is ultimately sent. The Endpoint port used is the same as the traffic came in on at the Listener, unless overridden.
Types of Endpoints
There are 4 types of Endpoints, and they can be found in the
Application Load Balancers
ApplicationLoadBalancer alb;
Listener listener;
listener.AddEndpointGroup("Group", new EndpointGroupOptions {
Endpoints = new [] {
new ApplicationLoadBalancerEndpoint(alb, new ApplicationLoadBalancerEndpointOptions {
Weight = 128,
PreserveClientIp = true
}) }
Network Load Balancers
NetworkLoadBalancer nlb;
Listener listener;
listener.AddEndpointGroup("Group", new EndpointGroupOptions {
Endpoints = new [] {
new NetworkLoadBalancerEndpoint(nlb, new NetworkLoadBalancerEndpointProps {
Weight = 128,
PreserveClientIp = true
}) }
EC2 Instances
Listener listener;
Instance instance;
listener.AddEndpointGroup("Group", new EndpointGroupOptions {
Endpoints = new [] {
new InstanceEndpoint(instance, new InstanceEndpointProps {
Weight = 128,
PreserveClientIp = true
}) }
Elastic IP Addresses
Listener listener;
CfnEIP eip;
listener.AddEndpointGroup("Group", new EndpointGroupOptions {
Endpoints = new [] {
new CfnEipEndpoint(eip, new CfnEipEndpointProps {
Weight = 128
}) }
Client IP Address Preservation and Security Groups
When using the preserveClientIp
feature, AGA creates
Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs) in your AWS account, that are
associated with a Security Group AGA creates for you. You can use the
security group created by AGA as a source group in other security groups
(such as those for EC2 instances or Elastic Load Balancers), if you want to
restrict incoming traffic to the AGA security group rules.
AGA creates a specific security group called GlobalAccelerator
for each VPC
it has an ENI in (this behavior can not be changed). CloudFormation doesn't
support referencing the security group created by AGA, but this construct
library comes with a custom resource that enables you to reference the AGA
security group.
Call endpointGroup.connectionsPeer()
to obtain a reference to the Security Group
which you can use in connection rules. You must pass a reference to the VPC in whose
context the security group will be looked up. Example:
Listener listener;
// Non-open ALB
ApplicationLoadBalancer alb;
// Remember that there is only one AGA security group per VPC.
Vpc vpc;
var endpointGroup = listener.AddEndpointGroup("Group", new EndpointGroupOptions {
Endpoints = new [] {
new ApplicationLoadBalancerEndpoint(alb, new ApplicationLoadBalancerEndpointOptions {
PreserveClientIp = true
}) }
var agaSg = endpointGroup.ConnectionsPeer("GlobalAcceleratorSG", vpc);
// Allow connections from the AGA to the ALB
alb.Connections.AllowFrom(agaSg, Port.Tcp(443));
Accelerator | The Accelerator construct. |
AcceleratorAttributes | Attributes required to import an existing accelerator to the stack. |
AcceleratorProps | Construct properties of the Accelerator. |
CfnAccelerator | The |
CfnAcceleratorProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnCrossAccountAttachment | Create a cross-account attachment in AWS Global Accelerator . |
CfnCrossAccountAttachment.ResourceProperty | A resource is one of the following: the ARN for an AWS resource that is supported by AWS Global Accelerator to be added as an endpoint, or a CIDR range that specifies a bring your own IP (BYOIP) address pool. |
CfnCrossAccountAttachmentProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnEndpointGroup | The |
CfnEndpointGroup.EndpointConfigurationProperty | A complex type for endpoints. |
CfnEndpointGroup.PortOverrideProperty | Override specific listener ports used to route traffic to endpoints that are part of an endpoint group. |
CfnEndpointGroupProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnListener | The |
CfnListener.PortRangeProperty | A complex type for a range of ports for a listener. |
CfnListenerProps | Properties for defining a |
ClientAffinity | Client affinity gives you control over whether to always route each client to the same specific endpoint. |
ConnectionProtocol | The protocol for the connections from clients to the accelerator. |
EndpointGroup | EndpointGroup construct. |
EndpointGroupOptions | Basic options for creating a new EndpointGroup. |
EndpointGroupProps | Property of the EndpointGroup. |
HealthCheckProtocol | The protocol for the connections from clients to the accelerator. |
IpAddressType | The IP address type that an accelerator supports. |
Listener | The construct for the Listener. |
ListenerOptions | Construct options for Listener. |
ListenerProps | Construct properties for Listener. |
PortOverride | Override specific listener ports used to route traffic to endpoints that are part of an endpoint group. |
PortRange | The list of port ranges for the connections from clients to the accelerator. |
RawEndpoint | Untyped endpoint implementation. |
RawEndpointProps | Properties for RawEndpoint. |
CfnCrossAccountAttachment.IResourceProperty | A resource is one of the following: the ARN for an AWS resource that is supported by AWS Global Accelerator to be added as an endpoint, or a CIDR range that specifies a bring your own IP (BYOIP) address pool. |
CfnEndpointGroup.IEndpointConfigurationProperty | A complex type for endpoints. |
CfnEndpointGroup.IPortOverrideProperty | Override specific listener ports used to route traffic to endpoints that are part of an endpoint group. |
CfnListener.IPortRangeProperty | A complex type for a range of ports for a listener. |
IAccelerator | The interface of the Accelerator. |
IAcceleratorAttributes | Attributes required to import an existing accelerator to the stack. |
IAcceleratorProps | Construct properties of the Accelerator. |
ICfnAcceleratorProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnCrossAccountAttachmentProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnEndpointGroupProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnListenerProps | Properties for defining a |
IEndpoint | An endpoint for the endpoint group. |
IEndpointGroup | The interface of the EndpointGroup. |
IEndpointGroupOptions | Basic options for creating a new EndpointGroup. |
IEndpointGroupProps | Property of the EndpointGroup. |
IListener | Interface of the Listener. |
IListenerOptions | Construct options for Listener. |
IListenerProps | Construct properties for Listener. |
IPortOverride | Override specific listener ports used to route traffic to endpoints that are part of an endpoint group. |
IPortRange | The list of port ranges for the connections from clients to the accelerator. |
IRawEndpointProps | Properties for RawEndpoint. |