Namespace Amazon.CDK.AWS.ImageBuilder
AWS::ImageBuilder Construct Library
This module is part of the AWS Cloud Development Kit project.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.ImageBuilder;
There are no official hand-written (L2) constructs for this service yet. Here are some suggestions on how to proceed:
There are no hand-written (L2) constructs for this service yet. However, you can still use the automatically generated L1 constructs, and use this service exactly as you would using CloudFormation directly.
For more information on the resources and properties available for this service, see the CloudFormation documentation for AWS::ImageBuilder.
(Read the CDK Contributing Guide and submit an RFC if you are interested in contributing to this construct library.)
CfnComponent | Creates a new component that can be used to build, validate, test, and assess your image. |
CfnComponentProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnContainerRecipe | Creates a new container recipe. |
CfnContainerRecipe.ComponentConfigurationProperty | Configuration details of the component. |
CfnContainerRecipe.ComponentParameterProperty | Contains a key/value pair that sets the named component parameter. |
CfnContainerRecipe.EbsInstanceBlockDeviceSpecificationProperty | Amazon EBS-specific block device mapping specifications. |
CfnContainerRecipe.InstanceBlockDeviceMappingProperty | Defines block device mappings for the instance used to configure your image. |
CfnContainerRecipe.InstanceConfigurationProperty | Defines a custom base AMI and block device mapping configurations of an instance used for building and testing container images. |
CfnContainerRecipe.TargetContainerRepositoryProperty | The container repository where the output container image is stored. |
CfnContainerRecipeProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnDistributionConfiguration | A distribution configuration allows you to specify the name and description of your output AMI, authorize other AWS account s to launch the AMI, and replicate the AMI to other AWS Regions . |
CfnDistributionConfiguration.AmiDistributionConfigurationProperty | Define and configure the output AMIs of the pipeline. |
CfnDistributionConfiguration.ContainerDistributionConfigurationProperty | Container distribution settings for encryption, licensing, and sharing in a specific Region. |
CfnDistributionConfiguration.DistributionProperty | The distribution configuration distribution defines the settings for a specific Region in the Distribution Configuration. |
CfnDistributionConfiguration.FastLaunchConfigurationProperty | Define and configure faster launching for output Windows AMIs. |
CfnDistributionConfiguration.FastLaunchLaunchTemplateSpecificationProperty | Identifies the launch template that the associated Windows AMI uses for launching an instance when faster launching is enabled. |
CfnDistributionConfiguration.FastLaunchSnapshotConfigurationProperty | Configuration settings for creating and managing pre-provisioned snapshots for a fast-launch enabled Windows AMI. |
CfnDistributionConfiguration.LaunchPermissionConfigurationProperty | Describes the configuration for a launch permission. |
CfnDistributionConfiguration.LaunchTemplateConfigurationProperty | Identifies an Amazon EC2 launch template to use for a specific account. |
CfnDistributionConfiguration.TargetContainerRepositoryProperty | The container repository where the output container image is stored. |
CfnDistributionConfigurationProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnImage | Creates a new image. |
CfnImage.EcrConfigurationProperty | Settings that Image Builder uses to configure the ECR repository and the output container images that Amazon Inspector scans. |
CfnImage.ImageScanningConfigurationProperty | Contains settings for Image Builder image resource and container image scans. |
CfnImage.ImageTestsConfigurationProperty | When you create an image or container recipe with Image Builder , you can add the build or test components that are used to create the final image. |
CfnImage.WorkflowConfigurationProperty | Contains control settings and configurable inputs for a workflow resource. |
CfnImage.WorkflowParameterProperty | Contains a key/value pair that sets the named workflow parameter. |
CfnImagePipeline | An image pipeline is the automation configuration for building secure OS images on AWS . |
CfnImagePipeline.EcrConfigurationProperty | Settings that Image Builder uses to configure the ECR repository and the output container images that Amazon Inspector scans. |
CfnImagePipeline.ImageScanningConfigurationProperty | Contains settings for Image Builder image resource and container image scans. |
CfnImagePipeline.ImageTestsConfigurationProperty | When you create an image or container recipe with Image Builder , you can add the build or test components that your image pipeline uses to create the final image. |
CfnImagePipeline.ScheduleProperty | A schedule configures when and how often a pipeline will automatically create a new image. |
CfnImagePipeline.WorkflowConfigurationProperty | Contains control settings and configurable inputs for a workflow resource. |
CfnImagePipeline.WorkflowParameterProperty | Contains a key/value pair that sets the named workflow parameter. |
CfnImagePipelineProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnImageProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnImageRecipe | An Image Builder image recipe is a document that defines the base image and the components to be applied to the base image to produce the desired configuration for the output image. |
CfnImageRecipe.AdditionalInstanceConfigurationProperty | In addition to your infrastructure configuration, these settings provide an extra layer of control over your build instances. |
CfnImageRecipe.ComponentConfigurationProperty | Configuration details of the component. |
CfnImageRecipe.ComponentParameterProperty | Contains a key/value pair that sets the named component parameter. |
CfnImageRecipe.EbsInstanceBlockDeviceSpecificationProperty | The image recipe EBS instance block device specification includes the Amazon EBS-specific block device mapping specifications for the image. |
CfnImageRecipe.InstanceBlockDeviceMappingProperty | Defines block device mappings for the instance used to configure your image. |
CfnImageRecipe.SystemsManagerAgentProperty | Contains settings for the Systems Manager agent on your build instance. |
CfnImageRecipeProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnInfrastructureConfiguration | The infrastructure configuration allows you to specify the infrastructure within which to build and test your image. |
CfnInfrastructureConfiguration.InstanceMetadataOptionsProperty | The instance metadata options that apply to the HTTP requests that pipeline builds use to launch EC2 build and test instances. |
CfnInfrastructureConfiguration.LoggingProperty | Logging configuration defines where Image Builder uploads your logs. |
CfnInfrastructureConfiguration.PlacementProperty | By default, EC2 instances run on shared tenancy hardware. |
CfnInfrastructureConfiguration.S3LogsProperty | Amazon S3 logging configuration. |
CfnInfrastructureConfigurationProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnLifecyclePolicy | Create a lifecycle policy resource. |
CfnLifecyclePolicy.ActionProperty | Contains selection criteria for the lifecycle policy. |
CfnLifecyclePolicy.AmiExclusionRulesProperty | Defines criteria for AMIs that are excluded from lifecycle actions. |
CfnLifecyclePolicy.ExclusionRulesProperty | Specifies resources that lifecycle policy actions should not apply to. |
CfnLifecyclePolicy.FilterProperty | Defines filters that the lifecycle policy uses to determine impacted resource. |
CfnLifecyclePolicy.IncludeResourcesProperty | Specifies how the lifecycle policy should apply actions to selected resources. |
CfnLifecyclePolicy.LastLaunchedProperty | Defines criteria to exclude AMIs from lifecycle actions based on the last time they were used to launch an instance. |
CfnLifecyclePolicy.PolicyDetailProperty | The configuration details for a lifecycle policy resource. |
CfnLifecyclePolicy.RecipeSelectionProperty | Specifies an Image Builder recipe that the lifecycle policy uses for resource selection. |
CfnLifecyclePolicy.ResourceSelectionProperty | Resource selection criteria for the lifecycle policy. |
CfnLifecyclePolicyProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnWorkflow | Create a new workflow or a new version of an existing workflow. |
CfnWorkflowProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnContainerRecipe.IComponentConfigurationProperty | Configuration details of the component. |
CfnContainerRecipe.IComponentParameterProperty | Contains a key/value pair that sets the named component parameter. |
CfnContainerRecipe.IEbsInstanceBlockDeviceSpecificationProperty | Amazon EBS-specific block device mapping specifications. |
CfnContainerRecipe.IInstanceBlockDeviceMappingProperty | Defines block device mappings for the instance used to configure your image. |
CfnContainerRecipe.IInstanceConfigurationProperty | Defines a custom base AMI and block device mapping configurations of an instance used for building and testing container images. |
CfnContainerRecipe.ITargetContainerRepositoryProperty | The container repository where the output container image is stored. |
CfnDistributionConfiguration.IAmiDistributionConfigurationProperty | Define and configure the output AMIs of the pipeline. |
CfnDistributionConfiguration.IContainerDistributionConfigurationProperty | Container distribution settings for encryption, licensing, and sharing in a specific Region. |
CfnDistributionConfiguration.IDistributionProperty | The distribution configuration distribution defines the settings for a specific Region in the Distribution Configuration. |
CfnDistributionConfiguration.IFastLaunchConfigurationProperty | Define and configure faster launching for output Windows AMIs. |
CfnDistributionConfiguration.IFastLaunchLaunchTemplateSpecificationProperty | Identifies the launch template that the associated Windows AMI uses for launching an instance when faster launching is enabled. |
CfnDistributionConfiguration.IFastLaunchSnapshotConfigurationProperty | Configuration settings for creating and managing pre-provisioned snapshots for a fast-launch enabled Windows AMI. |
CfnDistributionConfiguration.ILaunchPermissionConfigurationProperty | Describes the configuration for a launch permission. |
CfnDistributionConfiguration.ILaunchTemplateConfigurationProperty | Identifies an Amazon EC2 launch template to use for a specific account. |
CfnDistributionConfiguration.ITargetContainerRepositoryProperty | The container repository where the output container image is stored. |
CfnImage.IEcrConfigurationProperty | Settings that Image Builder uses to configure the ECR repository and the output container images that Amazon Inspector scans. |
CfnImage.IImageScanningConfigurationProperty | Contains settings for Image Builder image resource and container image scans. |
CfnImage.IImageTestsConfigurationProperty | When you create an image or container recipe with Image Builder , you can add the build or test components that are used to create the final image. |
CfnImage.IWorkflowConfigurationProperty | Contains control settings and configurable inputs for a workflow resource. |
CfnImage.IWorkflowParameterProperty | Contains a key/value pair that sets the named workflow parameter. |
CfnImagePipeline.IEcrConfigurationProperty | Settings that Image Builder uses to configure the ECR repository and the output container images that Amazon Inspector scans. |
CfnImagePipeline.IImageScanningConfigurationProperty | Contains settings for Image Builder image resource and container image scans. |
CfnImagePipeline.IImageTestsConfigurationProperty | When you create an image or container recipe with Image Builder , you can add the build or test components that your image pipeline uses to create the final image. |
CfnImagePipeline.IScheduleProperty | A schedule configures when and how often a pipeline will automatically create a new image. |
CfnImagePipeline.IWorkflowConfigurationProperty | Contains control settings and configurable inputs for a workflow resource. |
CfnImagePipeline.IWorkflowParameterProperty | Contains a key/value pair that sets the named workflow parameter. |
CfnImageRecipe.IAdditionalInstanceConfigurationProperty | In addition to your infrastructure configuration, these settings provide an extra layer of control over your build instances. |
CfnImageRecipe.IComponentConfigurationProperty | Configuration details of the component. |
CfnImageRecipe.IComponentParameterProperty | Contains a key/value pair that sets the named component parameter. |
CfnImageRecipe.IEbsInstanceBlockDeviceSpecificationProperty | The image recipe EBS instance block device specification includes the Amazon EBS-specific block device mapping specifications for the image. |
CfnImageRecipe.IInstanceBlockDeviceMappingProperty | Defines block device mappings for the instance used to configure your image. |
CfnImageRecipe.ISystemsManagerAgentProperty | Contains settings for the Systems Manager agent on your build instance. |
CfnInfrastructureConfiguration.IInstanceMetadataOptionsProperty | The instance metadata options that apply to the HTTP requests that pipeline builds use to launch EC2 build and test instances. |
CfnInfrastructureConfiguration.ILoggingProperty | Logging configuration defines where Image Builder uploads your logs. |
CfnInfrastructureConfiguration.IPlacementProperty | By default, EC2 instances run on shared tenancy hardware. |
CfnInfrastructureConfiguration.IS3LogsProperty | Amazon S3 logging configuration. |
CfnLifecyclePolicy.IActionProperty | Contains selection criteria for the lifecycle policy. |
CfnLifecyclePolicy.IAmiExclusionRulesProperty | Defines criteria for AMIs that are excluded from lifecycle actions. |
CfnLifecyclePolicy.IExclusionRulesProperty | Specifies resources that lifecycle policy actions should not apply to. |
CfnLifecyclePolicy.IFilterProperty | Defines filters that the lifecycle policy uses to determine impacted resource. |
CfnLifecyclePolicy.IIncludeResourcesProperty | Specifies how the lifecycle policy should apply actions to selected resources. |
CfnLifecyclePolicy.ILastLaunchedProperty | Defines criteria to exclude AMIs from lifecycle actions based on the last time they were used to launch an instance. |
CfnLifecyclePolicy.IPolicyDetailProperty | The configuration details for a lifecycle policy resource. |
CfnLifecyclePolicy.IRecipeSelectionProperty | Specifies an Image Builder recipe that the lifecycle policy uses for resource selection. |
CfnLifecyclePolicy.IResourceSelectionProperty | Resource selection criteria for the lifecycle policy. |
ICfnComponentProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnContainerRecipeProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnDistributionConfigurationProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnImagePipelineProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnImageProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnImageRecipeProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnInfrastructureConfigurationProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnLifecyclePolicyProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnWorkflowProps | Properties for defining a |