Interface CfnDetectorModel.ITransitionEventProperty
Specifies the actions performed and the next state entered when a condition
evaluates to TRUE.
Namespace: Amazon.CDK.AWS.IoTEvents
Assembly: Amazon.CDK.Lib.dll
Syntax (csharp)
public interface ITransitionEventProperty
Syntax (vb)
Public Interface ITransitionEventProperty
ExampleMetadata: fixture=_generated
// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.IoTEvents;
var transitionEventProperty = new TransitionEventProperty {
Condition = "condition",
EventName = "eventName",
NextState = "nextState",
// the properties below are optional
Actions = new [] { new ActionProperty {
ClearTimer = new ClearTimerProperty {
TimerName = "timerName"
DynamoDb = new DynamoDBProperty {
HashKeyField = "hashKeyField",
HashKeyValue = "hashKeyValue",
TableName = "tableName",
// the properties below are optional
HashKeyType = "hashKeyType",
Operation = "operation",
Payload = new PayloadProperty {
ContentExpression = "contentExpression",
Type = "type"
PayloadField = "payloadField",
RangeKeyField = "rangeKeyField",
RangeKeyType = "rangeKeyType",
RangeKeyValue = "rangeKeyValue"
DynamoDBv2 = new DynamoDBv2Property {
TableName = "tableName",
// the properties below are optional
Payload = new PayloadProperty {
ContentExpression = "contentExpression",
Type = "type"
Firehose = new FirehoseProperty {
DeliveryStreamName = "deliveryStreamName",
// the properties below are optional
Payload = new PayloadProperty {
ContentExpression = "contentExpression",
Type = "type"
Separator = "separator"
IotEvents = new IotEventsProperty {
InputName = "inputName",
// the properties below are optional
Payload = new PayloadProperty {
ContentExpression = "contentExpression",
Type = "type"
IotSiteWise = new IotSiteWiseProperty {
PropertyValue = new AssetPropertyValueProperty {
Value = new AssetPropertyVariantProperty {
BooleanValue = "booleanValue",
DoubleValue = "doubleValue",
IntegerValue = "integerValue",
StringValue = "stringValue"
// the properties below are optional
Quality = "quality",
Timestamp = new AssetPropertyTimestampProperty {
TimeInSeconds = "timeInSeconds",
// the properties below are optional
OffsetInNanos = "offsetInNanos"
// the properties below are optional
AssetId = "assetId",
EntryId = "entryId",
PropertyAlias = "propertyAlias",
PropertyId = "propertyId"
IotTopicPublish = new IotTopicPublishProperty {
MqttTopic = "mqttTopic",
// the properties below are optional
Payload = new PayloadProperty {
ContentExpression = "contentExpression",
Type = "type"
Lambda = new LambdaProperty {
FunctionArn = "functionArn",
// the properties below are optional
Payload = new PayloadProperty {
ContentExpression = "contentExpression",
Type = "type"
ResetTimer = new ResetTimerProperty {
TimerName = "timerName"
SetTimer = new SetTimerProperty {
TimerName = "timerName",
// the properties below are optional
DurationExpression = "durationExpression",
Seconds = 123
SetVariable = new SetVariableProperty {
Value = "value",
VariableName = "variableName"
Sns = new SnsProperty {
TargetArn = "targetArn",
// the properties below are optional
Payload = new PayloadProperty {
ContentExpression = "contentExpression",
Type = "type"
Sqs = new SqsProperty {
QueueUrl = "queueUrl",
// the properties below are optional
Payload = new PayloadProperty {
ContentExpression = "contentExpression",
Type = "type"
UseBase64 = false
} }
Actions | The actions to be performed. |
Condition | Required. |
Event |
The name of the transition event. |
Next |
The next state to enter. |
The actions to be performed.
virtual object Actions { get; }
Property Value
string Condition { get; }
Property Value
A Boolean expression that when TRUE causes the actions to be performed and the nextState
to be entered.
The name of the transition event.
string EventName { get; }
Property Value
The next state to enter.
string NextState { get; }
Property Value