Namespace Amazon.CDK.AWS.MediaConnect
AWS::MediaConnect Construct Library
This module is part of the AWS Cloud Development Kit project.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.MediaConnect;
There are no official hand-written (L2) constructs for this service yet. Here are some suggestions on how to proceed:
There are no hand-written (L2) constructs for this service yet. However, you can still use the automatically generated L1 constructs, and use this service exactly as you would using CloudFormation directly.
For more information on the resources and properties available for this service, see the CloudFormation documentation for AWS::MediaConnect.
(Read the CDK Contributing Guide and submit an RFC if you are interested in contributing to this construct library.)
CfnBridge | The AWS::MediaConnect::Bridge resource defines a connection between your data center’s gateway instances and the cloud. |
CfnBridge.BridgeFlowSourceProperty | The source of the bridge. |
CfnBridge.BridgeNetworkOutputProperty | The output of the bridge. |
CfnBridge.BridgeNetworkSourceProperty | The source of the bridge. |
CfnBridge.BridgeOutputProperty | The output of the bridge. |
CfnBridge.BridgeSourceProperty | The bridge's source. |
CfnBridge.EgressGatewayBridgeProperty | Create a bridge with the egress bridge type. |
CfnBridge.FailoverConfigProperty | The settings for source failover. |
CfnBridge.IngressGatewayBridgeProperty | Create a bridge with the ingress bridge type. |
CfnBridge.SourcePriorityProperty | The priority you want to assign to a source. |
CfnBridge.VpcInterfaceAttachmentProperty | The VPC interface that you want to send your output to. |
CfnBridgeOutput | Adds outputs to an existing bridge. |
CfnBridgeOutput.BridgeNetworkOutputProperty | The output of the bridge. |
CfnBridgeOutputProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnBridgeProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnBridgeSource | Adds sources to an existing bridge. |
CfnBridgeSource.BridgeFlowSourceProperty | The source of the bridge. |
CfnBridgeSource.BridgeNetworkSourceProperty | The source of the bridge. |
CfnBridgeSource.VpcInterfaceAttachmentProperty | The VPC interface that you want to send your output to. |
CfnBridgeSourceProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnFlow | The AWS::MediaConnect::Flow resource defines a connection between one or more video sources and one or more outputs. |
CfnFlow.EncryptionProperty | Information about the encryption of the flow. |
CfnFlow.FailoverConfigProperty | The settings for source failover. |
CfnFlow.FmtpProperty | A set of parameters that define the media stream. |
CfnFlow.GatewayBridgeSourceProperty | The source configuration for cloud flows receiving a stream from a bridge. |
CfnFlow.InputConfigurationProperty | The transport parameters associated with an incoming media stream. |
CfnFlow.InterfaceProperty | The VPC interface that you want to use for the media stream associated with the output. |
CfnFlow.MaintenanceProperty | The maintenance setting of a flow. |
CfnFlow.MediaStreamAttributesProperty | Attributes that are related to the media stream. |
CfnFlow.MediaStreamProperty | A single track or stream of media that contains video, audio, or ancillary data. |
CfnFlow.MediaStreamSourceConfigurationProperty | The media stream that is associated with the source, and the parameters for that association. |
CfnFlow.SourceMonitoringConfigProperty | The settings for source monitoring. |
CfnFlow.SourcePriorityProperty | The priority you want to assign to a source. |
CfnFlow.SourceProperty | The details of the sources of the flow. |
CfnFlow.VpcInterfaceAttachmentProperty | The VPC interface that you want to send your output to. |
CfnFlow.VpcInterfaceProperty | The details of a VPC interface. |
CfnFlowEntitlement | The AWS::MediaConnect::FlowEntitlement resource defines the permission that an AWS account grants to another AWS account to allow access to the content in a specific AWS Elemental MediaConnect flow. |
CfnFlowEntitlement.EncryptionProperty | Information about the encryption of the flow. |
CfnFlowEntitlementProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnFlowOutput | The AWS::MediaConnect::FlowOutput resource defines the destination address, protocol, and port that AWS Elemental MediaConnect sends the ingested video to. |
CfnFlowOutput.DestinationConfigurationProperty | The definition of a media stream that is associated with the output. |
CfnFlowOutput.EncodingParametersProperty | A collection of parameters that determine how MediaConnect will convert the content. |
CfnFlowOutput.EncryptionProperty | Information about the encryption of the flow. |
CfnFlowOutput.InterfaceProperty | The VPC interface that you want to use for the media stream associated with the output. |
CfnFlowOutput.MediaStreamOutputConfigurationProperty | The media stream that is associated with the output, and the parameters for that association. |
CfnFlowOutput.VpcInterfaceAttachmentProperty | The VPC interface that you want to send your output to. |
CfnFlowOutputProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnFlowProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnFlowSource | The AWS::MediaConnect::FlowSource resource is used to add additional sources to an existing flow. |
CfnFlowSource.EncryptionProperty | Information about the encryption of the flow. |
CfnFlowSource.GatewayBridgeSourceProperty | The source configuration for cloud flows receiving a stream from a bridge. |
CfnFlowSource.VpcInterfaceAttachmentProperty | The VPC interface that you want to send your output to. |
CfnFlowSourceProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnFlowVpcInterface | The AWS::MediaConnect::FlowVpcInterface resource is a connection between your AWS Elemental MediaConnect flow and a virtual private cloud (VPC) that you created using the Amazon Virtual Private Cloud service. |
CfnFlowVpcInterfaceProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnGateway | The AWS::MediaConnect::Gateway resource is used to create a new gateway. |
CfnGateway.GatewayNetworkProperty | The network settings for a gateway. |
CfnGatewayProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnBridge.IBridgeFlowSourceProperty | The source of the bridge. |
CfnBridge.IBridgeNetworkOutputProperty | The output of the bridge. |
CfnBridge.IBridgeNetworkSourceProperty | The source of the bridge. |
CfnBridge.IBridgeOutputProperty | The output of the bridge. |
CfnBridge.IBridgeSourceProperty | The bridge's source. |
CfnBridge.IEgressGatewayBridgeProperty | Create a bridge with the egress bridge type. |
CfnBridge.IFailoverConfigProperty | The settings for source failover. |
CfnBridge.IIngressGatewayBridgeProperty | Create a bridge with the ingress bridge type. |
CfnBridge.ISourcePriorityProperty | The priority you want to assign to a source. |
CfnBridge.IVpcInterfaceAttachmentProperty | The VPC interface that you want to send your output to. |
CfnBridgeOutput.IBridgeNetworkOutputProperty | The output of the bridge. |
CfnBridgeSource.IBridgeFlowSourceProperty | The source of the bridge. |
CfnBridgeSource.IBridgeNetworkSourceProperty | The source of the bridge. |
CfnBridgeSource.IVpcInterfaceAttachmentProperty | The VPC interface that you want to send your output to. |
CfnFlow.IEncryptionProperty | Information about the encryption of the flow. |
CfnFlow.IFailoverConfigProperty | The settings for source failover. |
CfnFlow.IFmtpProperty | A set of parameters that define the media stream. |
CfnFlow.IGatewayBridgeSourceProperty | The source configuration for cloud flows receiving a stream from a bridge. |
CfnFlow.IInputConfigurationProperty | The transport parameters associated with an incoming media stream. |
CfnFlow.IInterfaceProperty | The VPC interface that you want to use for the media stream associated with the output. |
CfnFlow.IMaintenanceProperty | The maintenance setting of a flow. |
CfnFlow.IMediaStreamAttributesProperty | Attributes that are related to the media stream. |
CfnFlow.IMediaStreamProperty | A single track or stream of media that contains video, audio, or ancillary data. |
CfnFlow.IMediaStreamSourceConfigurationProperty | The media stream that is associated with the source, and the parameters for that association. |
CfnFlow.ISourceMonitoringConfigProperty | The settings for source monitoring. |
CfnFlow.ISourcePriorityProperty | The priority you want to assign to a source. |
CfnFlow.ISourceProperty | The details of the sources of the flow. |
CfnFlow.IVpcInterfaceAttachmentProperty | The VPC interface that you want to send your output to. |
CfnFlow.IVpcInterfaceProperty | The details of a VPC interface. |
CfnFlowEntitlement.IEncryptionProperty | Information about the encryption of the flow. |
CfnFlowOutput.IDestinationConfigurationProperty | The definition of a media stream that is associated with the output. |
CfnFlowOutput.IEncodingParametersProperty | A collection of parameters that determine how MediaConnect will convert the content. |
CfnFlowOutput.IEncryptionProperty | Information about the encryption of the flow. |
CfnFlowOutput.IInterfaceProperty | The VPC interface that you want to use for the media stream associated with the output. |
CfnFlowOutput.IMediaStreamOutputConfigurationProperty | The media stream that is associated with the output, and the parameters for that association. |
CfnFlowOutput.IVpcInterfaceAttachmentProperty | The VPC interface that you want to send your output to. |
CfnFlowSource.IEncryptionProperty | Information about the encryption of the flow. |
CfnFlowSource.IGatewayBridgeSourceProperty | The source configuration for cloud flows receiving a stream from a bridge. |
CfnFlowSource.IVpcInterfaceAttachmentProperty | The VPC interface that you want to send your output to. |
CfnGateway.IGatewayNetworkProperty | The network settings for a gateway. |
ICfnBridgeOutputProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnBridgeProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnBridgeSourceProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnFlowEntitlementProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnFlowOutputProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnFlowProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnFlowSourceProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnFlowVpcInterfaceProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnGatewayProps | Properties for defining a |