Interface ICfnPipeProps
Properties for defining a CfnPipe
Namespace: Amazon.CDK.AWS.Pipes
Assembly: Amazon.CDK.Lib.dll
Syntax (csharp)
public interface ICfnPipeProps
Syntax (vb)
Public Interface ICfnPipeProps
ExampleMetadata: fixture=_generated
// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Pipes;
var cfnPipeProps = new CfnPipeProps {
RoleArn = "roleArn",
Source = "source",
Target = "target",
// the properties below are optional
Description = "description",
DesiredState = "desiredState",
Enrichment = "enrichment",
EnrichmentParameters = new PipeEnrichmentParametersProperty {
HttpParameters = new PipeEnrichmentHttpParametersProperty {
HeaderParameters = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "headerParametersKey", "headerParameters" }
PathParameterValues = new [] { "pathParameterValues" },
QueryStringParameters = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "queryStringParametersKey", "queryStringParameters" }
InputTemplate = "inputTemplate"
KmsKeyIdentifier = "kmsKeyIdentifier",
LogConfiguration = new PipeLogConfigurationProperty {
CloudwatchLogsLogDestination = new CloudwatchLogsLogDestinationProperty {
LogGroupArn = "logGroupArn"
FirehoseLogDestination = new FirehoseLogDestinationProperty {
DeliveryStreamArn = "deliveryStreamArn"
IncludeExecutionData = new [] { "includeExecutionData" },
Level = "level",
S3LogDestination = new S3LogDestinationProperty {
BucketName = "bucketName",
BucketOwner = "bucketOwner",
OutputFormat = "outputFormat",
Prefix = "prefix"
Name = "name",
SourceParameters = new PipeSourceParametersProperty {
ActiveMqBrokerParameters = new PipeSourceActiveMQBrokerParametersProperty {
Credentials = new MQBrokerAccessCredentialsProperty {
BasicAuth = "basicAuth"
QueueName = "queueName",
// the properties below are optional
BatchSize = 123,
MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds = 123
DynamoDbStreamParameters = new PipeSourceDynamoDBStreamParametersProperty {
StartingPosition = "startingPosition",
// the properties below are optional
BatchSize = 123,
DeadLetterConfig = new DeadLetterConfigProperty {
Arn = "arn"
MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds = 123,
MaximumRecordAgeInSeconds = 123,
MaximumRetryAttempts = 123,
OnPartialBatchItemFailure = "onPartialBatchItemFailure",
ParallelizationFactor = 123
FilterCriteria = new FilterCriteriaProperty {
Filters = new [] { new FilterProperty {
Pattern = "pattern"
} }
KinesisStreamParameters = new PipeSourceKinesisStreamParametersProperty {
StartingPosition = "startingPosition",
// the properties below are optional
BatchSize = 123,
DeadLetterConfig = new DeadLetterConfigProperty {
Arn = "arn"
MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds = 123,
MaximumRecordAgeInSeconds = 123,
MaximumRetryAttempts = 123,
OnPartialBatchItemFailure = "onPartialBatchItemFailure",
ParallelizationFactor = 123,
StartingPositionTimestamp = "startingPositionTimestamp"
ManagedStreamingKafkaParameters = new PipeSourceManagedStreamingKafkaParametersProperty {
TopicName = "topicName",
// the properties below are optional
BatchSize = 123,
ConsumerGroupId = "consumerGroupId",
Credentials = new MSKAccessCredentialsProperty {
ClientCertificateTlsAuth = "clientCertificateTlsAuth",
SaslScram512Auth = "saslScram512Auth"
MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds = 123,
StartingPosition = "startingPosition"
RabbitMqBrokerParameters = new PipeSourceRabbitMQBrokerParametersProperty {
Credentials = new MQBrokerAccessCredentialsProperty {
BasicAuth = "basicAuth"
QueueName = "queueName",
// the properties below are optional
BatchSize = 123,
MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds = 123,
VirtualHost = "virtualHost"
SelfManagedKafkaParameters = new PipeSourceSelfManagedKafkaParametersProperty {
TopicName = "topicName",
// the properties below are optional
AdditionalBootstrapServers = new [] { "additionalBootstrapServers" },
BatchSize = 123,
ConsumerGroupId = "consumerGroupId",
Credentials = new SelfManagedKafkaAccessConfigurationCredentialsProperty {
BasicAuth = "basicAuth",
ClientCertificateTlsAuth = "clientCertificateTlsAuth",
SaslScram256Auth = "saslScram256Auth",
SaslScram512Auth = "saslScram512Auth"
MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds = 123,
ServerRootCaCertificate = "serverRootCaCertificate",
StartingPosition = "startingPosition",
Vpc = new SelfManagedKafkaAccessConfigurationVpcProperty {
SecurityGroup = new [] { "securityGroup" },
Subnets = new [] { "subnets" }
SqsQueueParameters = new PipeSourceSqsQueueParametersProperty {
BatchSize = 123,
MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds = 123
Tags = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "tagsKey", "tags" }
TargetParameters = new PipeTargetParametersProperty {
BatchJobParameters = new PipeTargetBatchJobParametersProperty {
JobDefinition = "jobDefinition",
JobName = "jobName",
// the properties below are optional
ArrayProperties = new BatchArrayPropertiesProperty {
Size = 123
ContainerOverrides = new BatchContainerOverridesProperty {
Command = new [] { "command" },
Environment = new [] { new BatchEnvironmentVariableProperty {
Name = "name",
Value = "value"
} },
InstanceType = "instanceType",
ResourceRequirements = new [] { new BatchResourceRequirementProperty {
Type = "type",
Value = "value"
} }
DependsOn = new [] { new BatchJobDependencyProperty {
JobId = "jobId",
Type = "type"
} },
Parameters = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "parametersKey", "parameters" }
RetryStrategy = new BatchRetryStrategyProperty {
Attempts = 123
CloudWatchLogsParameters = new PipeTargetCloudWatchLogsParametersProperty {
LogStreamName = "logStreamName",
Timestamp = "timestamp"
EcsTaskParameters = new PipeTargetEcsTaskParametersProperty {
TaskDefinitionArn = "taskDefinitionArn",
// the properties below are optional
CapacityProviderStrategy = new [] { new CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty {
CapacityProvider = "capacityProvider",
// the properties below are optional
Base = 123,
Weight = 123
} },
EnableEcsManagedTags = false,
EnableExecuteCommand = false,
Group = "group",
LaunchType = "launchType",
NetworkConfiguration = new NetworkConfigurationProperty {
AwsvpcConfiguration = new AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {
Subnets = new [] { "subnets" },
// the properties below are optional
AssignPublicIp = "assignPublicIp",
SecurityGroups = new [] { "securityGroups" }
Overrides = new EcsTaskOverrideProperty {
ContainerOverrides = new [] { new EcsContainerOverrideProperty {
Command = new [] { "command" },
Cpu = 123,
Environment = new [] { new EcsEnvironmentVariableProperty {
Name = "name",
Value = "value"
} },
EnvironmentFiles = new [] { new EcsEnvironmentFileProperty {
Type = "type",
Value = "value"
} },
Memory = 123,
MemoryReservation = 123,
Name = "name",
ResourceRequirements = new [] { new EcsResourceRequirementProperty {
Type = "type",
Value = "value"
} }
} },
Cpu = "cpu",
EphemeralStorage = new EcsEphemeralStorageProperty {
SizeInGiB = 123
ExecutionRoleArn = "executionRoleArn",
InferenceAcceleratorOverrides = new [] { new EcsInferenceAcceleratorOverrideProperty {
DeviceName = "deviceName",
DeviceType = "deviceType"
} },
Memory = "memory",
TaskRoleArn = "taskRoleArn"
PlacementConstraints = new [] { new PlacementConstraintProperty {
Expression = "expression",
Type = "type"
} },
PlacementStrategy = new [] { new PlacementStrategyProperty {
Field = "field",
Type = "type"
} },
PlatformVersion = "platformVersion",
PropagateTags = "propagateTags",
ReferenceId = "referenceId",
Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {
Key = "key",
Value = "value"
} },
TaskCount = 123
EventBridgeEventBusParameters = new PipeTargetEventBridgeEventBusParametersProperty {
DetailType = "detailType",
EndpointId = "endpointId",
Resources = new [] { "resources" },
Source = "source",
Time = "time"
HttpParameters = new PipeTargetHttpParametersProperty {
HeaderParameters = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "headerParametersKey", "headerParameters" }
PathParameterValues = new [] { "pathParameterValues" },
QueryStringParameters = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "queryStringParametersKey", "queryStringParameters" }
InputTemplate = "inputTemplate",
KinesisStreamParameters = new PipeTargetKinesisStreamParametersProperty {
PartitionKey = "partitionKey"
LambdaFunctionParameters = new PipeTargetLambdaFunctionParametersProperty {
InvocationType = "invocationType"
RedshiftDataParameters = new PipeTargetRedshiftDataParametersProperty {
Database = "database",
Sqls = new [] { "sqls" },
// the properties below are optional
DbUser = "dbUser",
SecretManagerArn = "secretManagerArn",
StatementName = "statementName",
WithEvent = false
SageMakerPipelineParameters = new PipeTargetSageMakerPipelineParametersProperty {
PipelineParameterList = new [] { new SageMakerPipelineParameterProperty {
Name = "name",
Value = "value"
} }
SqsQueueParameters = new PipeTargetSqsQueueParametersProperty {
MessageDeduplicationId = "messageDeduplicationId",
MessageGroupId = "messageGroupId"
StepFunctionStateMachineParameters = new PipeTargetStateMachineParametersProperty {
InvocationType = "invocationType"
TimestreamParameters = new PipeTargetTimestreamParametersProperty {
DimensionMappings = new [] { new DimensionMappingProperty {
DimensionName = "dimensionName",
DimensionValue = "dimensionValue",
DimensionValueType = "dimensionValueType"
} },
TimeValue = "timeValue",
VersionValue = "versionValue",
// the properties below are optional
EpochTimeUnit = "epochTimeUnit",
MultiMeasureMappings = new [] { new MultiMeasureMappingProperty {
MultiMeasureAttributeMappings = new [] { new MultiMeasureAttributeMappingProperty {
MeasureValue = "measureValue",
MeasureValueType = "measureValueType",
MultiMeasureAttributeName = "multiMeasureAttributeName"
} },
MultiMeasureName = "multiMeasureName"
} },
SingleMeasureMappings = new [] { new SingleMeasureMappingProperty {
MeasureName = "measureName",
MeasureValue = "measureValue",
MeasureValueType = "measureValueType"
} },
TimeFieldType = "timeFieldType",
TimestampFormat = "timestampFormat"
Description | A description of the pipe. |
DesiredState | The state the pipe should be in. |
Enrichment | The ARN of the enrichment resource. |
EnrichmentParameters | The parameters required to set up enrichment on your pipe. |
KmsKeyIdentifier | The identifier of the AWS KMS customer managed key for EventBridge to use, if you choose to use a customer managed key to encrypt pipe data. |
LogConfiguration | The logging configuration settings for the pipe. |
Name | The name of the pipe. |
RoleArn | The ARN of the role that allows the pipe to send data to the target. |
Source | The ARN of the source resource. |
SourceParameters | The parameters required to set up a source for your pipe. |
Tags | The list of key-value pairs to associate with the pipe. |
Target | The ARN of the target resource. |
TargetParameters | The parameters required to set up a target for your pipe. |
A description of the pipe.
virtual string Description { get; }
Property Value
The state the pipe should be in.
virtual string DesiredState { get; }
Property Value
The ARN of the enrichment resource.
virtual string Enrichment { get; }
Property Value
The parameters required to set up enrichment on your pipe.
virtual object EnrichmentParameters { get; }
Property Value
The identifier of the AWS KMS customer managed key for EventBridge to use, if you choose to use a customer managed key to encrypt pipe data.
virtual string KmsKeyIdentifier { get; }
Property Value
The identifier can be the key Amazon Resource Name (ARN), KeyId, key alias, or key alias ARN.
To update a pipe that is using the default AWS owned key to use a customer managed key instead, or update a pipe that is using a customer managed key to use a different customer managed key, specify a customer managed key identifier.
To update a pipe that is using a customer managed key to use the default AWS owned key , specify an empty string.
For more information, see Managing keys in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide .
The logging configuration settings for the pipe.
virtual object LogConfiguration { get; }
Property Value
The name of the pipe.
virtual string Name { get; }
Property Value
The ARN of the role that allows the pipe to send data to the target.
string RoleArn { get; }
Property Value
The ARN of the source resource.
string Source { get; }
Property Value
The parameters required to set up a source for your pipe.
virtual object SourceParameters { get; }
Property Value
The list of key-value pairs to associate with the pipe.
virtual IDictionary<string, string> Tags { get; }
Property Value
System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<System.String, System.String>
The ARN of the target resource.
string Target { get; }
Property Value
The parameters required to set up a target for your pipe.
virtual object TargetParameters { get; }
Property Value
For more information about pipe target parameters, including how to use dynamic path parameters, see Target parameters in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide .