Interface ICfnCanaryProps
Properties for defining a CfnCanary
Namespace: Amazon.CDK.AWS.Synthetics
Assembly: Amazon.CDK.Lib.dll
Syntax (csharp)
public interface ICfnCanaryProps
Syntax (vb)
Public Interface ICfnCanaryProps
ExampleMetadata: fixture=_generated
// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Synthetics;
var cfnCanaryProps = new CfnCanaryProps {
ArtifactS3Location = "artifactS3Location",
Code = new CodeProperty {
Handler = "handler",
// the properties below are optional
S3Bucket = "s3Bucket",
S3Key = "s3Key",
S3ObjectVersion = "s3ObjectVersion",
Script = "script",
SourceLocationArn = "sourceLocationArn"
ExecutionRoleArn = "executionRoleArn",
Name = "name",
RuntimeVersion = "runtimeVersion",
Schedule = new ScheduleProperty {
Expression = "expression",
// the properties below are optional
DurationInSeconds = "durationInSeconds"
// the properties below are optional
ArtifactConfig = new ArtifactConfigProperty {
S3Encryption = new S3EncryptionProperty {
EncryptionMode = "encryptionMode",
KmsKeyArn = "kmsKeyArn"
DeleteLambdaResourcesOnCanaryDeletion = false,
FailureRetentionPeriod = 123,
ProvisionedResourceCleanup = "provisionedResourceCleanup",
ResourcesToReplicateTags = new [] { "resourcesToReplicateTags" },
RunConfig = new RunConfigProperty {
ActiveTracing = false,
EnvironmentVariables = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "environmentVariablesKey", "environmentVariables" }
MemoryInMb = 123,
TimeoutInSeconds = 123
StartCanaryAfterCreation = false,
SuccessRetentionPeriod = 123,
Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {
Key = "key",
Value = "value"
} },
VisualReference = new VisualReferenceProperty {
BaseCanaryRunId = "baseCanaryRunId",
// the properties below are optional
BaseScreenshots = new [] { new BaseScreenshotProperty {
ScreenshotName = "screenshotName",
// the properties below are optional
IgnoreCoordinates = new [] { "ignoreCoordinates" }
} }
VpcConfig = new VPCConfigProperty {
SecurityGroupIds = new [] { "securityGroupIds" },
SubnetIds = new [] { "subnetIds" },
// the properties below are optional
VpcId = "vpcId"
ArtifactConfig | A structure that contains the configuration for canary artifacts, including the encryption-at-rest settings for artifacts that the canary uploads to Amazon S3. |
ArtifactS3Location | The location in Amazon S3 where Synthetics stores artifacts from the runs of this canary. |
Code | Use this structure to input your script code for the canary. |
DeleteLambdaResourcesOnCanaryDeletion | (deprecated) Deletes associated lambda resources created by Synthetics if set to True. |
ExecutionRoleArn | The ARN of the IAM role to be used to run the canary. |
FailureRetentionPeriod | The number of days to retain data about failed runs of this canary. |
Name | The name for this canary. |
ProvisionedResourceCleanup | Setting to control if provisioned resources created by Synthetics are deleted alongside the canary. |
ResourcesToReplicateTags | To have the tags that you apply to this canary also be applied to the Lambda function that the canary uses, specify this property with the value |
RunConfig | A structure that contains input information for a canary run. |
RuntimeVersion | Specifies the runtime version to use for the canary. |
Schedule | A structure that contains information about how often the canary is to run, and when these runs are to stop. |
StartCanaryAfterCreation | Specify TRUE to have the canary start making runs immediately after it is created. |
SuccessRetentionPeriod | The number of days to retain data about successful runs of this canary. |
Tags | The list of key-value pairs that are associated with the canary. |
VisualReference | If this canary performs visual monitoring by comparing screenshots, this structure contains the ID of the canary run to use as the baseline for screenshots, and the coordinates of any parts of the screen to ignore during the visual monitoring comparison. |
VpcConfig | If this canary is to test an endpoint in a VPC, this structure contains information about the subnet and security groups of the VPC endpoint. |
A structure that contains the configuration for canary artifacts, including the encryption-at-rest settings for artifacts that the canary uploads to Amazon S3.
virtual object ArtifactConfig { get; }
Property Value
The location in Amazon S3 where Synthetics stores artifacts from the runs of this canary.
string ArtifactS3Location { get; }
Property Value
Artifacts include the log file, screenshots, and HAR files. Specify the full location path, including s3://
at the beginning of the path.
Use this structure to input your script code for the canary.
object Code { get; }
Property Value
This structure contains the Lambda handler with the location where the canary should start running the script. If the script is stored in an S3 bucket, the bucket name, key, and version are also included. If the script is passed into the canary directly, the script code is contained in the value of Script
(deprecated) Deletes associated lambda resources created by Synthetics if set to True.
virtual object DeleteLambdaResourcesOnCanaryDeletion { get; }
Property Value
Default is False
Stability: Deprecated
The ARN of the IAM role to be used to run the canary.
string ExecutionRoleArn { get; }
Property Value
This role must already exist, and must include
as a principal in the trust policy. The role must also have the following permissions:
The number of days to retain data about failed runs of this canary.
virtual Nullable<double> FailureRetentionPeriod { get; }
Property Value
If you omit this field, the default of 31 days is used. The valid range is 1 to 455 days.
The name for this canary.
string Name { get; }
Property Value
Be sure to give it a descriptive name that distinguishes it from other canaries in your account.
Do not include secrets or proprietary information in your canary names. The canary name makes up part of the canary ARN, and the ARN is included in outbound calls over the internet. For more information, see Security Considerations for Synthetics Canaries .
Setting to control if provisioned resources created by Synthetics are deleted alongside the canary.
virtual string ProvisionedResourceCleanup { get; }
Property Value
To have the tags that you apply to this canary also be applied to the Lambda function that the canary uses, specify this property with the value lambda-function
virtual string[] ResourcesToReplicateTags { get; }
Property Value
If you do this, CloudWatch Synthetics will keep the tags of the canary and the Lambda function synchronized. Any future changes you make to the canary's tags will also be applied to the function.
A structure that contains input information for a canary run.
virtual object RunConfig { get; }
Property Value
If you omit this structure, the frequency of the canary is used as canary's timeout value, up to a maximum of 900 seconds.
Specifies the runtime version to use for the canary.
string RuntimeVersion { get; }
Property Value
For more information about runtime versions, see Canary Runtime Versions .
A structure that contains information about how often the canary is to run, and when these runs are to stop.
object Schedule { get; }
Property Value
Specify TRUE to have the canary start making runs immediately after it is created.
virtual object StartCanaryAfterCreation { get; }
Property Value
A canary that you create using CloudFormation can't be used to monitor the CloudFormation stack that creates the canary or to roll back that stack if there is a failure.
The number of days to retain data about successful runs of this canary.
virtual Nullable<double> SuccessRetentionPeriod { get; }
Property Value
If you omit this field, the default of 31 days is used. The valid range is 1 to 455 days.
The list of key-value pairs that are associated with the canary.
virtual ICfnTag[] Tags { get; }
Property Value
If this canary performs visual monitoring by comparing screenshots, this structure contains the ID of the canary run to use as the baseline for screenshots, and the coordinates of any parts of the screen to ignore during the visual monitoring comparison.
virtual object VisualReference { get; }
Property Value
If this canary is to test an endpoint in a VPC, this structure contains information about the subnet and security groups of the VPC endpoint.
virtual object VpcConfig { get; }
Property Value