Uses of Package
AWS APIGatewayv2 Authorizers
AWS APIGatewayv2 Integrations
AWS APIGatewayv2 Construct Library
ClassDescriptionInput to the bind() operation, that binds an authorizer to a route.Results of binding an authorizer to an http route.An authorizer that can attach to an Http Route.An authorizer that can attach to an WebSocket Route.Input to the bind() operation, that binds an authorizer to a route.Results of binding an authorizer to an WebSocket route.
ClassDescriptionIntegration content handling.Supported connection types.Supported integration subtypes.Supported integration types.Supported HTTP methods.The interface that various route integration classes will inherit.Options to the HttpRouteIntegration during its bind operation.Config returned back as a result of the bind.Represents an API Gateway VpcLink.Represents a Parameter Mapping.Integration Passthrough Behavior.Payload format version for lambda proxy integration.The interface that various route integration classes will inherit.Options to the WebSocketRouteIntegration during its bind operation.Config returned back as a result of the bind.
ClassDescriptionOptions for the Route with Integration resource.A builder for
Create a new API mapping for API Gateway API endpoint.A fluent builder forApiMapping
.The attributes used to import existing ApiMapping.A builder forApiMappingAttributes
Properties used to create the ApiMapping resource.A builder forApiMappingProps
Payload format version for lambda authorizers.Options used when configuring multiple routes, at once.A builder forBatchHttpRouteOptions
resource creates an API.TheBodyS3Location
property specifies an S3 location from which to import an OpenAPI definition.A builder forCfnApi.BodyS3LocationProperty
A fluent builder forCfnApi
property specifies a CORS configuration for an API.A builder forCfnApi.CorsProperty
resource overrides the default properties of API Gateway-managed resources that are implicitly configured for you when you use quick create.TheAccessLogSettings
property overrides the access log settings for an API Gateway-managed stage.A builder forCfnApiGatewayManagedOverrides.AccessLogSettingsProperty
A fluent builder forCfnApiGatewayManagedOverrides
property overrides the integration settings for an API Gateway-managed integration.TheRouteOverrides
property overrides the route configuration for an API Gateway-managed route.A builder forCfnApiGatewayManagedOverrides.RouteOverridesProperty
property overrides the route settings for an API Gateway-managed route.A builder forCfnApiGatewayManagedOverrides.RouteSettingsProperty
property overrides the stage configuration for an API Gateway-managed stage.A builder forCfnApiGatewayManagedOverrides.StageOverridesProperty
Properties for defining aCfnApiGatewayManagedOverrides
.A builder forCfnApiGatewayManagedOverridesProps
resource contains an API mapping.A fluent builder forCfnApiMapping
.Properties for defining aCfnApiMapping
.A builder forCfnApiMappingProps
Properties for defining aCfnApi
.A builder forCfnApiProps
resource creates an authorizer for a WebSocket API or an HTTP API.A fluent builder forCfnAuthorizer
property specifies the configuration of a JWT authorizer.A builder forCfnAuthorizer.JWTConfigurationProperty
Properties for defining aCfnAuthorizer
.A builder forCfnAuthorizerProps
resource creates a deployment for an API.A fluent builder forCfnDeployment
.Properties for defining aCfnDeployment
.A builder forCfnDeploymentProps
resource specifies a custom domain name for your API in Amazon API Gateway (API Gateway).A fluent builder forCfnDomainName
property type specifies the configuration for an API's domain name.A builder forCfnDomainName.DomainNameConfigurationProperty
If specified, API Gateway performs two-way authentication between the client and the server.A builder forCfnDomainName.MutualTlsAuthenticationProperty
Properties for defining aCfnDomainName
.A builder forCfnDomainNameProps
resource creates an integration for an API.A fluent builder forCfnIntegration
.Example:A builder forCfnIntegration.ResponseParameterListProperty
map of response parameter lists.A builder forCfnIntegration.ResponseParameterMapProperty
response parameter.A builder forCfnIntegration.ResponseParameterProperty
property specifies the TLS configuration for a private integration.A builder forCfnIntegration.TlsConfigProperty
Properties for defining aCfnIntegration
.A builder forCfnIntegrationProps
resource updates an integration response for an WebSocket API.A fluent builder forCfnIntegrationResponse
.Properties for defining aCfnIntegrationResponse
.A builder forCfnIntegrationResponseProps
resource updates data model for a WebSocket API.A fluent builder forCfnModel
.Properties for defining aCfnModel
.A builder forCfnModelProps
resource creates a route for an API.A fluent builder forCfnRoute
.Example:A builder forCfnRoute.ParameterConstraintsProperty
Properties for defining aCfnRoute
.A builder forCfnRouteProps
resource creates a route response for a WebSocket API.A fluent builder forCfnRouteResponse
.Specifies whether the parameter is required.A builder forCfnRouteResponse.ParameterConstraintsProperty
Properties for defining aCfnRouteResponse
.A builder forCfnRouteResponseProps
resource specifies a stage for an API.Settings for logging access in a stage.A builder forCfnStage.AccessLogSettingsProperty
A fluent builder forCfnStage
.Represents a collection of route settings.A builder forCfnStage.RouteSettingsProperty
Properties for defining aCfnStage
.A builder forCfnStageProps
resource creates a VPC link.A fluent builder forCfnVpcLink
.Properties for defining aCfnVpcLink
.A builder forCfnVpcLinkProps
Integration content handling.Supported CORS HTTP methods.Options for the CORS Configuration.A builder forCorsPreflightOptions
Options for DomainMapping.A builder forDomainMappingOptions
Custom domain resource for the API.A fluent builder forDomainName
.custom domain name attributes.A builder forDomainNameAttributes
properties used for creating the DomainName.A builder forDomainNameProps
properties for creating a domain name endpoint.A builder forEndpointOptions
Endpoint type for a domain name.Options for granting invoke access.A builder forGrantInvokeOptions
Create a new API Gateway HTTP API endpoint.A fluent builder forHttpApi
.Attributes for importing an HttpApi into the CDK.A builder forHttpApiAttributes
Properties to initialize an instance ofHttpApi
.A builder forHttpApiProps
An authorizer for Http Apis.A fluent builder forHttpAuthorizer
.Reference to an http authorizer.A builder forHttpAuthorizerAttributes
Properties to initialize an instance ofHttpAuthorizer
.A builder forHttpAuthorizerProps
Supported Authorizer types.Supported connection types.The integration for an API route.A fluent builder forHttpIntegration
.The integration properties.A builder forHttpIntegrationProps
Supported integration subtypes.Supported integration types.Supported HTTP methods.Route class that creates the Route for API Gateway HTTP API.A fluent builder forHttpRoute
.Input to the bind() operation, that binds an authorizer to a route.A builder forHttpRouteAuthorizerBindOptions
Results of binding an authorizer to an http route.A builder forHttpRouteAuthorizerConfig
The interface that various route integration classes will inherit.Options to the HttpRouteIntegration during its bind operation.A builder forHttpRouteIntegrationBindOptions
Config returned back as a result of the bind.A builder forHttpRouteIntegrationConfig
HTTP route in APIGateway is a combination of the HTTP method and the path component.Properties to initialize a new Route.A builder forHttpRouteProps
Represents a stage where an instance of the API is deployed.A fluent builder forHttpStage
.The attributes used to import existing HttpStage.A builder forHttpStageAttributes
The options to create a new Stage for an HTTP API.A builder forHttpStageOptions
Properties to initialize an instance ofHttpStage
.A builder forHttpStageProps
Represents a API Gateway HTTP/WebSocket API.Internal default implementation forIApi
.Represents an ApiGatewayV2 ApiMapping resource.Internal default implementation forIApiMapping
.Represents an Authorizer.Internal default implementation forIAuthorizer
.Represents an APIGatewayV2 DomainName.Internal default implementation forIDomainName
.Represents an HTTP API.Internal default implementation forIHttpApi
.An authorizer for HTTP APIs.Internal default implementation forIHttpAuthorizer
.Represents an Integration for an HTTP API.Internal default implementation forIHttpIntegration
.Represents a Route for an HTTP API.Internal default implementation forIHttpRoute
.An authorizer that can attach to an Http Route.Internal default implementation forIHttpRouteAuthorizer
.Represents the HttpStage.Internal default implementation forIHttpStage
.Represents an integration to an API Route.Internal default implementation forIIntegration
.Represents a Mapping Value.Internal default implementation forIMappingValue
.Credentials used for AWS Service integrations.Represents a route.Internal default implementation forIRoute
.Represents a Stage.Internal default implementation forIStage
.Represents an API Gateway VpcLink.Internal default implementation forIVpcLink
.Represents a WebSocket API.Internal default implementation forIWebSocketApi
.An authorizer for WebSocket APIs.Internal default implementation forIWebSocketAuthorizer
.Represents an Integration for an WebSocket API.Internal default implementation forIWebSocketIntegration
.Represents a Route for an WebSocket API.Internal default implementation forIWebSocketRoute
.An authorizer that can attach to an WebSocket Route.Internal default implementation forIWebSocketRouteAuthorizer
.Represents the WebSocketStage.Internal default implementation forIWebSocketStage
.Represents a Mapping Value.The mTLS authentication configuration for a custom domain name.A builder forMTLSConfig
Represents a Parameter Mapping.Integration Passthrough Behavior.Payload format version for lambda proxy integration.The minimum version of the SSL protocol that you want API Gateway to use for HTTPS connections.The attributes used to import existing Stage.A builder forStageAttributes
Options required to create a new stage.A builder forStageOptions
Container for defining throttling parameters to API stages.A builder forThrottleSettings
Define a new VPC Link Specifies an API Gateway VPC link for a HTTP API to access resources in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).A fluent builder forVpcLink
.Attributes when importing a new VpcLink.A builder forVpcLinkAttributes
Properties for a VpcLink.A builder forVpcLinkProps
Create a new API Gateway WebSocket API endpoint.A fluent builder forWebSocketApi
.Attributes for importing a WebSocketApi into the CDK.A builder forWebSocketApiAttributes
Represents the currently available API Key Selection Expressions.Props for WebSocket API.A builder forWebSocketApiProps
An authorizer for WebSocket Apis.A fluent builder forWebSocketAuthorizer
.Reference to an WebSocket authorizer.A builder forWebSocketAuthorizerAttributes
Properties to initialize an instance ofWebSocketAuthorizer
.A builder forWebSocketAuthorizerProps
Supported Authorizer types.The integration for an API route.A fluent builder forWebSocketIntegration
.The integration properties.A builder forWebSocketIntegrationProps
WebSocket Integration Types.Route class that creates the Route for API Gateway WebSocket API.A fluent builder forWebSocketRoute
.Input to the bind() operation, that binds an authorizer to a route.A builder forWebSocketRouteAuthorizerBindOptions
Results of binding an authorizer to an WebSocket route.A builder forWebSocketRouteAuthorizerConfig
The interface that various route integration classes will inherit.Options to the WebSocketRouteIntegration during its bind operation.A builder forWebSocketRouteIntegrationBindOptions
Config returned back as a result of the bind.A builder forWebSocketRouteIntegrationConfig
Options used to add route to the API.A builder forWebSocketRouteOptions
Properties to initialize a new Route.A builder forWebSocketRouteProps
Represents a stage where an instance of the API is deployed.A fluent builder forWebSocketStage
.The attributes used to import existing WebSocketStage.A builder forWebSocketStageAttributes
Properties to initialize an instance ofWebSocketStage
.A builder forWebSocketStageProps