AWS::CodeStar Construct Library
(experimental) The GitHub user's personal access token for the GitHub repository.
(experimental) The name of the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the ZIP file with the content to be committed to the new repository.
(experimental) The S3 object key or file name for the ZIP file.
(experimental) The object version of the ZIP file, if versioning is enabled for the Amazon S3 bucket.
GitHubRepository.Builder.create(software.constructs.Construct scope,
String id)
(experimental) A comment or description about the new repository.
(experimental) Indicates whether to enable issues for the GitHub repository.
(experimental) The GitHub user name for the owner of the GitHub repository to be created.
(experimental) The name of the repository you want to create in GitHub with AWS CloudFormation stack creation.
(experimental) Indicates whether the GitHub repository is a private repository.