Interface CommonDestinationS3Props

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
DestinationS3BackupProps, S3BucketProps
All Known Implementing Classes:
CommonDestinationS3Props.Jsii$Proxy, DestinationS3BackupProps.Jsii$Proxy, S3BucketProps.Jsii$Proxy

@Generated(value="jsii-pacmak/1.104.0 (build e79254c)", date="2025-01-10T21:57:02.087Z") @Stability(Experimental) public interface CommonDestinationS3Props extends
(experimental) Common properties for defining a backup, intermediary, or final S3 destination for a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.


 // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
 // The values are placeholders you should change.
 Compression compression;
 Key key;
 Size size;
 CommonDestinationS3Props commonDestinationS3Props = CommonDestinationS3Props.builder()
  • Method Details

    • getBufferingInterval

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default Duration getBufferingInterval()
      (experimental) The length of time that Firehose buffers incoming data before delivering it to the S3 bucket.

      Minimum: Duration.seconds(0) Maximum: Duration.seconds(900)

      Default: Duration.seconds(300)

    • getBufferingSize

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default Size getBufferingSize()
      (experimental) The size of the buffer that Kinesis Data Firehose uses for incoming data before delivering it to the S3 bucket.

      Minimum: Size.mebibytes(1) Maximum: Size.mebibytes(128)

      Default: Size.mebibytes(5)

    • getCompression

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default Compression getCompression()
      (experimental) The type of compression that Kinesis Data Firehose uses to compress the data that it delivers to the Amazon S3 bucket.

      The compression formats SNAPPY or ZIP cannot be specified for Amazon Redshift destinations because they are not supported by the Amazon Redshift COPY operation that reads from the S3 bucket.

      Default: - UNCOMPRESSED

    • getDataOutputPrefix

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default String getDataOutputPrefix()
      (experimental) A prefix that Kinesis Data Firehose evaluates and adds to records before writing them to S3.

      This prefix appears immediately following the bucket name.

      Default: "YYYY/MM/DD/HH"

      See Also:
    • getEncryptionKey

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default IKey getEncryptionKey()
      (experimental) The AWS KMS key used to encrypt the data that it delivers to your Amazon S3 bucket.

      Default: - Data is not encrypted.

    • getErrorOutputPrefix

      @Stability(Experimental) @Nullable default String getErrorOutputPrefix()
      (experimental) A prefix that Kinesis Data Firehose evaluates and adds to failed records before writing them to S3.

      This prefix appears immediately following the bucket name.

      Default: "YYYY/MM/DD/HH"

      See Also:
    • builder

      @Stability(Experimental) static CommonDestinationS3Props.Builder builder()
      a CommonDestinationS3Props.Builder of CommonDestinationS3Props