Uses of Package
AWS::PCAConnectorAD Construct Library
ClassDescriptionCreates a connector between AWS Private CA and an Active Directory.A fluent builder for
.Information about your VPC and security groups used with the connector.A builder forCfnConnector.VpcInformationProperty
Properties for defining aCfnConnector
.A builder forCfnConnectorProps
Creates a directory registration that authorizes communication between AWS Private CA and an Active Directory.A fluent builder forCfnDirectoryRegistration
.Properties for defining aCfnDirectoryRegistration
.A builder forCfnDirectoryRegistrationProps
Creates a service principal name (SPN) for the service account in Active Directory.A fluent builder forCfnServicePrincipalName
.Properties for defining aCfnServicePrincipalName
.A builder forCfnServicePrincipalNameProps
Creates an Active Directory compatible certificate template.Application policies describe what the certificate can be used for.A builder forCfnTemplate.ApplicationPoliciesProperty
Application policies describe what the certificate can be used for.A builder forCfnTemplate.ApplicationPolicyProperty
A fluent builder forCfnTemplate
.Information describing the end of the validity period of the certificate.A builder forCfnTemplate.CertificateValidityProperty
Template configurations for v2 template schema.A builder forCfnTemplate.EnrollmentFlagsV2Property
Template configurations for v3 template schema.A builder forCfnTemplate.EnrollmentFlagsV3Property
Template configurations for v4 template schema.A builder forCfnTemplate.EnrollmentFlagsV4Property
Certificate extensions for v2 template schema.A builder forCfnTemplate.ExtensionsV2Property
Certificate extensions for v3 template schema.A builder forCfnTemplate.ExtensionsV3Property
Certificate extensions for v4 template schema.A builder forCfnTemplate.ExtensionsV4Property
General flags for v2 template schema that defines if the template is for a machine or a user and if the template can be issued using autoenrollment.A builder forCfnTemplate.GeneralFlagsV2Property
General flags for v3 template schema that defines if the template is for a machine or a user and if the template can be issued using autoenrollment.A builder forCfnTemplate.GeneralFlagsV3Property
General flags for v4 template schema that defines if the template is for a machine or a user and if the template can be issued using autoenrollment.A builder forCfnTemplate.GeneralFlagsV4Property
The key usage flags represent the purpose (e.g., encipherment, signature) of the key contained in the certificate.A builder forCfnTemplate.KeyUsageFlagsProperty
The key usage extension defines the purpose (e.g., encipherment, signature) of the key contained in the certificate.A builder forCfnTemplate.KeyUsageProperty
Specifies key usage.A builder forCfnTemplate.KeyUsagePropertyFlagsProperty
The key usage property defines the purpose of the private key contained in the certificate.A builder forCfnTemplate.KeyUsagePropertyProperty
Defines the attributes of the private key.A builder forCfnTemplate.PrivateKeyAttributesV2Property
Defines the attributes of the private key.A builder forCfnTemplate.PrivateKeyAttributesV3Property
Defines the attributes of the private key.A builder forCfnTemplate.PrivateKeyAttributesV4Property
Private key flags for v2 templates specify the client compatibility, if the private key can be exported, and if user input is required when using a private key.A builder forCfnTemplate.PrivateKeyFlagsV2Property
Private key flags for v3 templates specify the client compatibility, if the private key can be exported, if user input is required when using a private key, and if an alternate signature algorithm should be used.A builder forCfnTemplate.PrivateKeyFlagsV3Property
Private key flags for v4 templates specify the client compatibility, if the private key can be exported, if user input is required when using a private key, if an alternate signature algorithm should be used, and if certificates are renewed using the same private key.A builder forCfnTemplate.PrivateKeyFlagsV4Property
Information to include in the subject name and alternate subject name of the certificate.A builder forCfnTemplate.SubjectNameFlagsV2Property
Information to include in the subject name and alternate subject name of the certificate.A builder forCfnTemplate.SubjectNameFlagsV3Property
Information to include in the subject name and alternate subject name of the certificate.A builder forCfnTemplate.SubjectNameFlagsV4Property
Template configuration to define the information included in certificates.A builder forCfnTemplate.TemplateDefinitionProperty
v2 template schema that uses Legacy Cryptographic Providers.A builder forCfnTemplate.TemplateV2Property
v3 template schema that uses Key Storage Providers.A builder forCfnTemplate.TemplateV3Property
v4 template schema that can use either Legacy Cryptographic Providers or Key Storage Providers.A builder forCfnTemplate.TemplateV4Property
Information describing the end of the validity period of the certificate.A builder forCfnTemplate.ValidityPeriodProperty
Create a group access control entry.Allow or deny permissions for an Active Directory group to enroll or autoenroll certificates for a template.A builder forCfnTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry.AccessRightsProperty
A fluent builder forCfnTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry
.Properties for defining aCfnTemplateGroupAccessControlEntry
.A builder forCfnTemplateGroupAccessControlEntryProps
Properties for defining aCfnTemplate
.A builder forCfnTemplateProps