Class CfnAutomationRule.StringFilterProperty.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:<CfnAutomationRule.StringFilterProperty>
Enclosing interface:

@Stability(Stable) public static final class CfnAutomationRule.StringFilterProperty.Builder extends Object implements<CfnAutomationRule.StringFilterProperty>
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder()
  • Method Details

    • comparison

      @Stability(Stable) public CfnAutomationRule.StringFilterProperty.Builder comparison(String comparison)
      comparison - The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings. This parameter is required. To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

      • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS . For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.
      • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS . For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012 .
      • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX . For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us . A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af , ap , or ca , doesn't match.

      CONTAINS , EQUALS , and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR . A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront , CloudWatch , or both strings in the title.

      To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

      • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS . For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.
      • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS . For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012 .
      • To search for values that don't start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS . For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us .

      NOT_CONTAINS , NOT_EQUALS , and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND . A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

      You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can't provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

      You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

      For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2 . It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface .

      • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam
      • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2
      • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy
      • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

      CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the AWS Security Hub User Guide .

    • value

      @Stability(Stable) public CfnAutomationRule.StringFilterProperty.Builder value(String value)
      value - The string filter value. This parameter is required. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub . If you provide security hub as the filter value, there's no match.
    • build

      @Stability(Stable) public CfnAutomationRule.StringFilterProperty build()
      Builds the configured instance.
      Specified by:
      build in interface<CfnAutomationRule.StringFilterProperty>
      a new instance of CfnAutomationRule.StringFilterProperty
      NullPointerException - if any required attribute was not provided