InvokedBy - Amazon Chime SDK


Specifies the type of message that triggers a bot.



Sets standard messages as the bot trigger. For standard messages:

  • ALL: The bot processes all standard messages.

  • AUTO: The bot responds to ALL messages when the channel has one other non-hidden member, and responds to MENTIONS when the channel has more than one other non-hidden member.

  • MENTIONS: The bot processes all standard messages that have a message attribute with CHIME.mentions and a value of the bot ARN.

  • NONE: The bot processes no standard messages.

Type: String

Valid Values: AUTO | ALL | MENTIONS | NONE

Required: Yes


Sets targeted messages as the bot trigger. For targeted messages:

  • ALL: The bot processes all TargetedMessages sent to it. The bot then responds with a targeted message back to the sender.

  • NONE: The bot processes no targeted messages.

Type: String

Valid Values: ALL | NONE

Required: Yes

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: