Creating media stream pipelines - Amazon Chime SDK

Creating media stream pipelines

Media stream pipelines capture individual audio for all the attendees in a meeting, plus the mixed audio generated by a media concatenation pipeline. All media stream pipelines save their data to Amazon Kinesis Video Streams (KVS).

You create the video stream by calling the CreateMediaPipelineKinesisVideoStreamPool API. You can create one media stream pipeline per Amazon Chime SDK meeting.


If a meeting uses an opt-in Region as its MediaRegion, the KVS stream must be in that same Region. For example, if a meeting uses the af-south-1 Region, the KVS stream must also be in af-south-1. However, if the meeting uses a Region that AWS turns on by default, the KVS stream can be in any available Region, including an opt-in Region. For example, if the meeting uses ca-central-1, the KVS stream can be in eu-west-2, us-east-1, af-south-1, or any other Region that the Amazon Chime SDK supports.

To learn which AWS Region a meeting uses, call the GetMeeting API and use the MediaRegion parameter from the response.

For more information about opt-in Regions, refer to Available Regions in this guide, and Specify which AWS Regions your account can use, in the AWS Account Management Reference Guide.

The following sections explain how to create a media stream pipeline. Follow them in the order listed.