Receiving push notifications - Amazon Chime SDK

Receiving push notifications

Along with the channel message push notification title and body, the Amazon Chime SDK also includes the channel message ID and channel ARN in the data payload. You use that information to load the full channel message.

The following examples shows a typical push notification payload.

{ "pinpoint.openApp=true", "pinpoint.notification.title=PushNotificationTitle", "pinpoint.notification.body=PushNotificationBody", "pinpoint.campaign.campaign_id=_DIRECT", "pinpoint.notification.silentPush=0", "pinpoint.jsonBody="{ "chime.message_id":"ChannelMessageId", "chime.channel_arn":"ChannelARN" } }

Disabling or filtering push notification receipts

The Amazon Chime SDK provides multiple options to allow app instance users to control whether they wish to receive push notifications.

Disabling all push notifications

App instance users can disable push notifications entirely by calling UpdateAppInstanceUserEndpoint and setting the AllowMessages attribute to NONE.

Disabling push notifications for a channel

App instance users can disable push notifications for a specific channel by calling PutChannelMembershipPreferences to NONE in the PushNotification Preferences field.

Filtering push notifications for a channel

App Instance users can set a filter rule so they only receive specific push notifications using the PutChannelMembershipPreferences API. For more information, refer to Using filter rules to filter messages.