Understanding system messages - Amazon Chime SDK

Understanding system messages

Amazon Chime SDK sends system messages to all connected clients for events that take place in channels. Events include:

  • UPDATE_CHANNEL – This event signifies any update made to the channel details, such as the name or metadata.

  • DELETE_CHANNEL – This event signifies that the channel and all of its data, including messages, memberships, moderators and bans, will be deleted.

  • CREATE_CHANNEL_MEMBERSHIP – This event signifies that a particular AppInstanceUser has been added as a member to the channel. The event also contains details of the new AppInstanceUser.

  • DELETE_CHANNEL_MEMBERSHIP – This event signifies that an AppInstanceUser has been removed from the channel. The event also contains the removed AppInstanceUser details.

  • UPDATE_CHANNEL_MEMBERSHIP – This event only applies to elastic channels. The event signifies that membership balancing transferred an AppInstanceUser from one sub-channel to another. The event also contains the AppInstanceUser details, plus the information about the sub-channel that the AppInstanceUser was transferred to.