Polling for task results - Amazon Chime SDK

Polling for task results


By default, voice analytics makes results available for 7 days, then it deletes the data automatically. You must store your task data if you want to use it for a longer time, or to comply with data-retention laws. For more information, see Data retention, later in this guide.

Voice analytics tries to ensure at least one delivery of each task result. However, network issues can increase latency. To work around potential problems, or if you prefer synchronous processes, you can use the following APIs in either the Media pipelines SDK or the Voice SDK:

  • GetSpeakerSearchTask

  • GetVoiceToneAnalysisTask


    The GetVoiceToneAnalysisTask API only returns a task's status. It doesn't return task results. To see results, use an Amazon SQS, Amazon SNS, or AWS Lambda notification target.

The GetSpeakerSearchTask API gets the latest results synchronously for a task ID, delayed messages, or messages that arrive out of order. However, we recommend using notification targets and asynchronous processing. Doing so consumes fewer computing resources.