EXP function - AWS Clean Rooms

EXP function

The EXP function implements the exponential function for a numeric expression, or the base of the natural logarithm, e, raised to the power of expression. The EXP function is the inverse of LN function.


EXP (expression)



The expression must be an INTEGER, DECIMAL, or DOUBLE PRECISION data type.

Return type

EXP returns a DOUBLE PRECISION number.


Use the EXP function to forecast ticket sales based on a continuous growth pattern. In this example, the subquery returns the number of tickets sold in 2008. That result is multiplied by the result of the EXP function, which specifies a continuous growth rate of 7% over 10 years.

select (select sum(qtysold) from sales, date where sales.dateid=date.dateid and year=2008) * exp((7::float/100)*10) qty2018; qty2018 ------------------ 695447.483772222 (1 row)