FROM clause - AWS Clean Rooms

FROM clause

The FROM clause in a query lists the table references (tables, views, and subqueries) that data is selected from. If multiple table references are listed, the tables must be joined, using appropriate syntax in either the FROM clause or the WHERE clause. If no join criteria are specified, the system processes the query as a cross-join (Cartesian product).


FROM table_reference [, ...]

where table_reference is one of the following:

with_subquery_table_name | table_name | ( subquery ) [ [ AS ] alias ] table_reference [ NATURAL ] join_type table_reference [ USING ( join_column [, ...] ) ] table_reference [ INNER ] join_type table_reference ON expr



A table defined by a subquery in the WITH clause.


Name of a table or view.


Temporary alternative name for a table or view. An alias must be supplied for a table derived from a subquery. In other table references, aliases are optional. The AS keyword is always optional. Table aliases provide a convenient shortcut for identifying tables in other parts of a query, such as the WHERE clause.

For example:

select * from sales s, listing l where s.listid=l.listid

If you define a table alias is defined, then the alias must be used to reference that table in the query.

For example, if the query is SELECT "tbl"."col" FROM "tbl" AS "t", the query would fail because the table name is essentially overridden now. A valid query in this case would be SELECT "t"."col" FROM "tbl" AS "t".


Temporary alternative name for a column in a table or view.


A query expression that evaluates to a table. The table exists only for the duration of the query and is typically given a name or alias. However, an alias isn't required. You can also define column names for tables that derive from subqueries. Naming column aliases is important when you want to join the results of subqueries to other tables and when you want to select or constrain those columns elsewhere in the query.

A subquery may contain an ORDER BY clause, but this clause may have no effect if a LIMIT or OFFSET clause isn't also specified.


Defines a join that automatically uses all pairs of identically named columns in the two tables as the joining columns. No explicit join condition is required. For example, if the CATEGORY and EVENT tables both have columns named CATID, a natural join of those tables is a join over their CATID columns.


If a NATURAL join is specified but no identically named pairs of columns exist in the tables to be joined, the query defaults to a cross-join.


Specify one of the following types of join:






Cross-joins are unqualified joins; they return the Cartesian product of the two tables.

Inner and outer joins are qualified joins. They are qualified either implicitly (in natural joins); with the ON or USING syntax in the FROM clause; or with a WHERE clause condition.

An inner join returns matching rows only, based on the join condition or list of joining columns. An outer join returns all of the rows that the equivalent inner join would return plus non-matching rows from the "left" table, "right" table, or both tables. The left table is the first-listed table, and the right table is the second-listed table. The non-matching rows contain NULL values to fill the gaps in the output columns.

ON join_condition

Type of join specification where the joining columns are stated as a condition that follows the ON keyword. For example:

sales join listing on sales.listid=listing.listid and sales.eventid=listing.eventid
USING ( join_column [, ...] )

Type of join specification where the joining columns are listed in parentheses. If multiple joining columns are specified, they are delimited by commas. The USING keyword must precede the list. For example:

sales join listing using (listid,eventid)

Usage notes

Joining columns must have comparable data types.

A NATURAL or USING join retains only one of each pair of joining columns in the intermediate result set.

A join with the ON syntax retains both joining columns in its intermediate result set.

See also WITH clause.

JOIN examples

A SQL JOIN clause is used to combine the data from two or more tables based on common fields. The results might or might not change depending on the join method specified. For more information about the syntax of a JOIN clause, see Parameters.

The following query is an inner join (without the JOIN keyword) between the LISTING table and SALES table, where the LISTID from the LISTING table is between 1 and 5. This query matches LISTID column values in the LISTING table (the left table) and SALES table (the right table). The results show that LISTID 1, 4, and 5 match the criteria.

select listing.listid, sum(pricepaid) as price, sum(commission) as comm from listing, sales where listing.listid = sales.listid and listing.listid between 1 and 5 group by 1 order by 1; listid | price | comm -------+--------+-------- 1 | 728.00 | 109.20 4 | 76.00 | 11.40 5 | 525.00 | 78.75

The following query is a left outer join. Left and right outer joins retain values from one of the joined tables when no match is found in the other table. The left and right tables are the first and second tables listed in the syntax. NULL values are used to fill the "gaps" in the result set. This query matches LISTID column values in the LISTING table (the left table) and the SALES table (the right table). The results show that LISTIDs 2 and 3 did not result in any sales.

select listing.listid, sum(pricepaid) as price, sum(commission) as comm from listing left outer join sales on sales.listid = listing.listid where listing.listid between 1 and 5 group by 1 order by 1; listid | price | comm -------+--------+-------- 1 | 728.00 | 109.20 2 | NULL | NULL 3 | NULL | NULL 4 | 76.00 | 11.40 5 | 525.00 | 78.75

The following query is a right outer join. This query matches LISTID column values in the LISTING table (the left table) and the SALES table (the right table). The results show that LISTIDs 1, 4, and 5 match the criteria.

select listing.listid, sum(pricepaid) as price, sum(commission) as comm from listing right outer join sales on sales.listid = listing.listid where listing.listid between 1 and 5 group by 1 order by 1; listid | price | comm -------+--------+-------- 1 | 728.00 | 109.20 4 | 76.00 | 11.40 5 | 525.00 | 78.75

The following query is a full join. Full joins retain values from the joined tables when no match is found in the other table. The left and right tables are the first and second tables listed in the syntax. NULL values are used to fill the "gaps" in the result set. This query matches LISTID column values in the LISTING table (the left table) and the SALES table (the right table). The results show that LISTIDs 2 and 3 did not result in any sales.

select listing.listid, sum(pricepaid) as price, sum(commission) as comm from listing full join sales on sales.listid = listing.listid where listing.listid between 1 and 5 group by 1 order by 1; listid | price | comm -------+--------+-------- 1 | 728.00 | 109.20 2 | NULL | NULL 3 | NULL | NULL 4 | 76.00 | 11.40 5 | 525.00 | 78.75

The following query is a full join. This query matches LISTID column values in the LISTING table (the left table) and the SALES table (the right table). Only rows that do not result in any sales (LISTIDs 2 and 3) are in the results.

select listing.listid, sum(pricepaid) as price, sum(commission) as comm from listing full join sales on sales.listid = listing.listid where listing.listid between 1 and 5 and (listing.listid IS NULL or sales.listid IS NULL) group by 1 order by 1; listid | price | comm -------+--------+-------- 2 | NULL | NULL 3 | NULL | NULL

The following example is an inner join with the ON clause. In this case, NULL rows are not returned.

select listing.listid, sum(pricepaid) as price, sum(commission) as comm from sales join listing on sales.listid=listing.listid and sales.eventid=listing.eventid where listing.listid between 1 and 5 group by 1 order by 1; listid | price | comm -------+--------+-------- 1 | 728.00 | 109.20 4 | 76.00 | 11.40 5 | 525.00 | 78.75

The following query is a cross join or Cartesian join of the LISTING table and the SALES table with a predicate to limit the results. This query matches LISTID column values in the SALES table and the LISTING table for LISTIDs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in both tables. The results show that 20 rows match the criteria.

select sales.listid as sales_listid, listing.listid as listing_listid from sales cross join listing where sales.listid between 1 and 5 and listing.listid between 1 and 5 order by 1,2; sales_listid | listing_listid -------------+--------------- 1 | 1 1 | 2 1 | 3 1 | 4 1 | 5 4 | 1 4 | 2 4 | 3 4 | 4 4 | 5 5 | 1 5 | 1 5 | 2 5 | 2 5 | 3 5 | 3 5 | 4 5 | 4 5 | 5 5 | 5

The following example is a natural join between two tables. In this case, the columns listid, sellerid, eventid, and dateid have identical names and data types in both tables and so are used as the join columns. The results are limited to five rows.

select listid, sellerid, eventid, dateid, numtickets from listing natural join sales order by 1 limit 5; listid | sellerid | eventid | dateid | numtickets -------+-----------+---------+--------+----------- 113 | 29704 | 4699 | 2075 | 22 115 | 39115 | 3513 | 2062 | 14 116 | 43314 | 8675 | 1910 | 28 118 | 6079 | 1611 | 1862 | 9 163 | 24880 | 8253 | 1888 | 14

The following example is a join between two tables with the USING clause. In this case, the columns listid and eventid are used as the join columns. The results are limited to five rows.

select listid, listing.sellerid, eventid, listing.dateid, numtickets from listing join sales using (listid, eventid) order by 1 limit 5; listid | sellerid | eventid | dateid | numtickets -------+----------+---------+--------+----------- 1 | 36861 | 7872 | 1850 | 10 4 | 8117 | 4337 | 1970 | 8 5 | 1616 | 8647 | 1963 | 4 5 | 1616 | 8647 | 1963 | 4 6 | 47402 | 8240 | 2053 | 18

The following query is an inner join of two subqueries in the FROM clause. The query finds the number of sold and unsold tickets for different categories of events (concerts and shows). The FROM clause subqueries are table subqueries; they can return multiple columns and rows.

select catgroup1, sold, unsold from (select catgroup, sum(qtysold) as sold from category c, event e, sales s where c.catid = e.catid and e.eventid = s.eventid group by catgroup) as a(catgroup1, sold) join (select catgroup, sum(numtickets)-sum(qtysold) as unsold from category c, event e, sales s, listing l where c.catid = e.catid and e.eventid = s.eventid and s.listid = l.listid group by catgroup) as b(catgroup2, unsold) on a.catgroup1 = b.catgroup2 order by 1; catgroup1 | sold | unsold ----------+--------+-------- Concerts | 195444 |1067199 Shows | 149905 | 817736