NVL and COALESCE functions - AWS Clean Rooms

NVL and COALESCE functions

Returns the value of the first expression that isn't null in a series of expressions. When a non-null value is found, the remaining expressions in the list aren't evaluated.

NVL is identical to COALESCE. They are synonyms. This topic explains the syntax and contains examples for both.


NVL( expression, expression, ... )

The syntax for COALESCE is the same:

COALESCE( expression, expression, ... )

If all expressions are null, the result is null.

These functions are useful when you want to return a secondary value when a primary value is missing or null. For example, a query might return the first of three available phone numbers: cell, home, or work. The order of the expressions in the function determines the order of evaluation.



An expression, such as a column name, to be evaluated for null status.

Return type

AWS Clean Rooms determines the data type of the returned value based on the input expressions. If the data types of the input expressions don't have a common type, then an error is returned.


If the list contains integer expressions, the function returns an integer.

SELECT COALESCE(NULL, 12, NULL); coalesce -------------- 12

This example, which is the same as the previous example, except that it uses NVL, returns the same result.

SELECT NVL(NULL, 12, NULL); coalesce -------------- 12

The following example returns a string type.

SELECT COALESCE(NULL, 'AWS Clean Rooms', NULL); coalesce -------------- AWS Clean Rooms

The following example results in an error because the data types vary in the expression list. In this case, there is both a string type and a number type in the list.

SELECT COALESCE(NULL, 'AWS Clean Rooms', 12); ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "AWS Clean Rooms"