SQRT function - AWS Clean Rooms

SQRT function

The SQRT function returns the square root of a numeric value. The square root is a number multiplied by itself to get the given value.


SQRT (expression)



The expression must have an integer, decimal, or floating-point data type. The expression can include functions. The system might perform implicit type conversions.

Return type

SQRT returns a DOUBLE PRECISION number.


The following example returns the square root of a number.

select sqrt(16); sqrt --------------- 4

The following example performs an implicit type conversion.

select sqrt('16'); sqrt --------------- 4

The following example nests functions to perform a more complex task.

select sqrt(round(16.4)); sqrt --------------- 4

The following example results in the length of the radius when given the area of a circle. It calculates the radius in inches, for instance, when given the area in square inches. The area in the sample is 20.

select sqrt(20/pi());

This returns the value 5.046265044040321.

The following example returns the square root for COMMISSION values from the SALES table. The COMMISSION column is a DECIMAL column. This example shows how you can use the function in a query with more complex conditional logic.

select sqrt(commission) from sales where salesid < 10 order by salesid; sqrt ------------------ 10.4498803820905 3.37638860322683 7.24568837309472 5.1234753829798 ...

The following query returns the rounded square root for the same set of COMMISSION values.

select salesid, commission, round(sqrt(commission)) from sales where salesid < 10 order by salesid; salesid | commission | round --------+------------+------- 1 | 109.20 | 10 2 | 11.40 | 3 3 | 52.50 | 7 4 | 26.25 | 5 ...

For more information about sample data in AWS Clean Rooms, see Sample database.