Define a Builder or Runner - AWS Cloud9

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Define a Builder or Runner

This topic shows how you can define a builder or runner. Before you define a builder or runner, make sure you have created a builder or runner.

On the builder or runner tab that is displayed, use JSON to define the runner or builder. Start with the following code as a template.

For a builder, start with this code.

{ "cmd": [], "info": "", "env": {}, "selector": "" }

For a runner, start with this code.

{ "cmd": [], "script": "", "working_dir": "", "info": "", "env": {}, "selector": "", "debugger": "", "debugport": "" }

In the preceding code:

  • cmd: Represents a comma-separated list of strings for AWS Cloud9 to run as a single command.

    When AWS Cloud9 runs this command, each string in the list will be separated by a single space. For example, AWS Cloud9 will run "cmd": [ "ls", "$file", "$args"] as ls $file $args, where AWS Cloud9 will replace $file with the full path to the current file and $args with any arguments entered after the file name. For more information, see the list of supported variables later in this section.

  • script: Represents a bash script (which can also be specified as an array of lines as needed for readability) that the runner executes in the terminal.

  • working_dir: Represents the directory that the runner will run from.

  • info: Represents any string of text you want to display to the user at the beginning of the run. This string can contain variables, for example Running $project_path$file_name..., where AWS Cloud9 will replace $project_path with the directory path of the current file and $file_name with the name portion of the current file. See the list of supported variables later in this section.

  • env: Represents any array of command line arguments for AWS Cloud9 to use, for example:

    "env": { "LANG": "en_US.UTF-8", "SHLVL": "1" }
  • selector: Represents any regular expression that you want AWS Cloud9 to use to identify the file names that apply to this runner. For example, you could specify for Python files.

  • debugger: Represents the name of any available debugger you want AWS Cloud9 to use that is compatible with this runner. For example, you could specify v8 for the V8 debugger.

  • debugport: Represents the port number you want AWS Cloud9 to use during debugging. For example, you could specify 15454 for the port number to use.

The following table shows the variables you can use.

Variable Description


The directory of the current file, for example, /home/ec2-user/environment or /home/ubuntu/environment.


The full path to the current file, for example, /home/ec2-user/environment/ or /home/ubuntu/environment/


Any arguments entered after the file name, for example, "5" "9".


The name portion of the current file, for example,


The extension of the current file, for example, py.


The name of the current file without the file extension, for example, hello.


The full path to the packages folder.


The full path to the current project folder.


The directory of the current project file, for example, /home/ec2-user/environment/ or /home/ubuntu/environment/.


The name of the current project file without the file extension, for example, my-demo-environment.


The extension of the current project file.


The name of the current project file without the extension.


The hostname of the environment, for example,


The hostname of the environment with the relative path to the project file, for example,


The full URL to access the environment, for example,


The port assigned to the environment, for example, 8080.


The IP address to run a process against the environment, for example,

As an example, the following builder file named defines a builder for GCC that runs the g++ command with the -o option to compile the current file (for example, hello.cpp) into an object module. Then it links the object module into a program with the same name as the current file (for example, hello). Here the equivalent command is g++ -o hello hello.cpp.

{ "cmd": [ "g++", "-o", "$file_base_name", "$file_name" ], "info": "Compiling $file_name and linking to $file_base_name...", "selector": "source.cpp" }

As another example, the following runner file named defines a runner that uses Python to run the current file with any arguments that were provided. For example, if the current file is named and the arguments 5 and 9 were provided, the equivalent command is python 5 9.

{ "cmd": [ "python", "$file_name", "$args" ], "info": "Running $file_name...", "selector": "" }

Finally, the following runner file named Print Run defines a runner that simply outputs the value of each available variable and then stops.

{ "info": "file_path = $file_path, file = $file, args = $args, file_name = $file_name, file_extension = $file_extension, file_base_name = $file_base_name, packages = $packages, project = $project, project_path = $project_path, project_name = $project_name, project_extension = $project_extension, project_base_name = $project_base_name, hostname = $hostname, hostname_path = $hostname_path, url = $url, port = $port, ip = $ip" }