Working with Images Files in the AWS Cloud9 IDE - AWS Cloud9

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Working with Images Files in the AWS Cloud9 IDE

You can use the AWS Cloud9 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to view and edit image files.

View or Edit an Image

In the AWS Cloud9 IDE, open the file for the image you want to view or edit. Supported image file types include the following:

  • .bmp

  • .gif (view only)

  • .ico (view only)

  • .jpeg

  • .jpg

  • .png

  • .tiff

Resize an Image

  1. Open the image file in the IDE.

  2. On the image editing bar, choose Resize.

  3. To change the image width, type a new Width in pixels. Or choose "-" or "+" next to Width to change the current width one pixel at a time.

  4. To change the image height, type a new Height in pixels. Or choose "-" or "+" next to Height to change the current height one pixel at a time.

  5. To maintain the image ratio of width to height, leave Maintain Aspect Ratio checked.

  6. To confirm the image's new size, on the image editing bar, see the width (W) and height (H) measurements in pixels.

  7. Choose Resize.

  8. To discard the resizing, on the menu bar, choose Edit, Undo. To keep the new size, choose File, Save.

Crop an Image

  1. Open the image file in the IDE.

  2. Drag the pointer over the portion of the image that you want to keep.

  3. To confirm the selection's dimensions, on the image editing bar, see the Selection dimensions, as follows:

    • The distance in pixels from the original image's left edge to the left edge of the selection (L)

    • The distance in pixels from the original image's top edge to the top edge of the selection (T)

    • The selection's width in pixels (W)

    • The selection's height in pixels (H)

  4. On the image editing bar, choose Crop.

  5. To discard the crop, on the menu bar, choose Edit, Undo. To keep the new cropped image, choose File, Save.

Rotate an Image

  1. Open the image file in the IDE.

  2. To rotate the image counterclockwise, on the image editing bar, choose Rotate 90 Degrees Left.

  3. To rotate the image clockwise, on the image editing bar, choose Rotate 90 Degrees Right.

  4. To discard the rotation, on the menu bar, choose Edit, Undo. To keep the new rotated image, choose File, Save.

Flip an Image

  1. Open the image file in the IDE.

  2. To flip the image horizontally, on the image editing bar, choose FlipH.

  3. To flip the image vertically, on the image editing bar, choose FlipV.

  4. To discard the flip, on the menu bar, choose Edit, Undo. To keep the new flipped image, choose File, Save.

Zoom an Image

  1. Open the image file in the IDE.

  2. On the image editing bar, choose one of the available zoom factors (for example, 75%, 100%, or 200%).

Smooth an Image

  1. Open the image file in the IDE.

  2. On the image editing bar, select Smooth to reduce the amount of pixelation in the image. To discard the smoothing, deselect Smooth.

  3. On the menu bar, choose File, Save.