Working with project settings in the AWS Cloud9 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) - AWS Cloud9

Working with project settings in the AWS Cloud9 Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Project settings, which apply only to the current AWS Cloud9 development environment, include the following kinds of settings:

  • Code editor settings, such as whether to use soft tabs and new file line ending

  • File types to ignore

  • The types of hints and warnings to display or suppress

  • Code and formatting settings for programming languages such as JavaScript, PHP, Python, and Go

  • The types of configurations to use when running and building code

Although project settings apply to only a single environment, you can apply the project settings for one environment to any other environment.

View or change project settings

  1. On the menu bar, choose AWS Cloud9, Preferences.

  2. To view the project settings for the current environment, on the Preferences tab, in the side navigation pane, choose Project Settings.

  3. To change the current project settings for the environment, change the settings that you want in the Project Settings pane.

See Project Setting Changes You Can Make.

Apply the current project settings for an environment to another environment

  1. In both the source and target environment, on the menu bar of the AWS Cloud9 IDE, choose AWS Cloud9, Open Your Project Settings.

  2. In the source environment, copy the contents of the project.settings tab that's displayed.

  3. In the target environment, overwrite the contents of the project.settings tab with the copied contents from the source environment.

  4. In the target environment, save the project.settings tab.

Project settings that you can change

These sections describe the kinds of project settings that you can change on the Preferences tab's Project Settings pane.

EC2 instance

Stop my environment

Choose when to automatically stop your environment's Amazon EC2 instance (if used) after you close all web browser instances that are connected to the IDE for that environment. You can choose a range of time periods from a week to 30 minutes. You can also choose never to automatically stop the Amazon EC2 instance after exiting the AWS Cloud9 IDE.

If you want to stop the instance even sooner than 30 minutes after finishing with the IDE, you can stop it manually using the console interface.

Code editor (Ace)

Soft tabs

If selected, inserts the specified number of spaces instead of a tab character each time you press Tab.

Autodetect tab size on load

If selected, AWS Cloud9 attempts to guess the tab size.

New file line endings

The type of line endings to use for new files.

Valid options include the following:

  • Windows (CRLF) to end lines with a carriage return and then a line feed.

  • Unix (LF) to end lines with just a line feed.

On save, strip whitespace

If selected, AWS Cloud9 attempts to remove what it considers to be unnecessary spaces and tabs from a file each time that file is saved.

Find in files

Ignore these Files

When finding in files, the types of files that AWS Cloud9 ignores.

Maximum number of files to search (in 1000)

When finding in files, the maximum number of files, in multiples of 1,000, that AWS Cloud9 finds in the current scope.

Hints and warnings

Warning Level

The minimum level of messages to enable.

Valid values include the following:

  • Info to enable informational, warning, and error messages.

  • Warning to enable just warning and error messages.

  • Error to enable just error messages.

Mark Missing Optional Semicolons

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 flags in a file each time it notices a semicolon that could be used in code, but that isn't used.

Mark Undeclared Variables

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 flags in a file each time it notices an undeclared variable in code.

Mark Unused Function Arguments

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 flags in a file each time it notices an unused argument in a function.

Ignore Messages Matching Regex

AWS Cloud9 will not display any messages matching the specified regular expression. For more information, see Writing a regular expression pattern in the JavaScript Regular Expressions topic on the Mozilla Developer Network.

JavaScript support

Customize JavaScript warnings with .eslintrc

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 uses an .eslintrc file to determine which JavaScript warnings to enable or disable. For more information, see Configuration File Formats on the ESLint website.

JavaScript library code completion

The JavaScript libraries that AWS Cloud9 uses to attempt to suggest or do automatic code completion.

Format Code on Save

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 attempts to format the code in a JavaScript file every time that file is saved.

Use builtin JSBeautify as code formatter

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 uses its internal implementation of JSBeautify to attempt to increase the readability of code in files.

Custom code formatter

The command for AWS Cloud9 to attempt to run when formatting code in a JavaScript file.


Builder path in environment

The path to any custom build configurations.

Run and debug

Runner path in environment

The path to any custom run configurations.

Preview URL

The URL to use to preview applications for the environment.

Run configurations

The custom run configurations for this environment.

Remove selected configs

Deletes the selected run configurations.

Add new config

Creates a new run configuration.

Set as default

Sets the selected run configuration as the default run configuration.

Code formatters

JSBeautify settings

Settings for increasing the readability of code in files.

Format Code on Save

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 attempts to apply JSBeautify settings whenever code files are saved.

Use JSBeautify for JavaScript

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 attempts to apply JSBeautify settings whenever JavaScript files are saved.

Preserve empty lines

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 doesn't remove empty lines in code files.

Keep array indentation

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 preserves the indentation of element declarations in arrays in code files.

JSLint strict whitespace

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 attempts to apply JSLint whitespace rules in code files. For more information, see "Whitespace" in JSLint Help.


Specifies the alignment of braces in code.

Valid values include the following:

  • Braces with control statement to move each beginning and end brace to align with its related control statement, as needed.

    For example, this code is formatted as so:

    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (i == 5) { console.log("Halfway done.") }}

    Turns into this code when the file is saved:

    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (i == 5) { console.log("Halfway done.") } }
  • Braces on own line to move each brace to its own line, as needed.

    For example, this code is formatted as so:

    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (i == 5) { console.log("Halfway done.") }}

    Turns into this code when the file is saved:

    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {if (i == 5) { console.log("Halfway done.") } }
  • End braces on own line to move each end brace to its own line, as needed.

    For example, this code is formatted as so:

    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (i == 5) { console.log("Halfway done.") } }

    Turns into this code when the file is saved:

    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (i == 5) { console.log("Halfway done.") } }
Preserve inline blocks

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 doesn't attempt to move the beginning and ending braces for inline blocks to separate lines, if those braces are on the same line.

Space before conditionals

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 adds a space before each conditional declaration, as needed.

Unescape strings

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 converts escaped strings to their unescaped equivalents. For example, converts \n to a newline character and converts \r to a carriage return character.

Indent inner HTML

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 indents <head> and <body> sections in HTML code.

TypeScript support

Format Code on Save

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 attempts to format TypeScript code whenever TypeScript files are saved.

Custom code formatter

The path to any custom code formatting configuration for TypeScript code.

PHP support

Enable PHP code completion

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 attempts to complete PHP code.

PHP completion include paths

Locations that AWS Cloud9 uses to attempt to help complete PHP code. For example, if you have custom PHP files that you want AWS Cloud9 to use for completion, and those files are somewhere in the ~/environment directory, add ~/environment to this path.

Format Code on Save

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 attempts to format PHP code whenever PHP files are saved.

Custom code formatter

The path to any custom code formatting configuration for PHP code.

Python support

Enable Python code completion

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 attempts to complete Python code. To set the paths for AWS Cloud9 to use to complete Python code, use the PYTHONPATH setting.

Python version

Specifies the version of Python to use.

Pylint command line options

Options for AWS Cloud9 to use for Pylint with Python code. For more information, see the Pylint User Manual on the Pylint website.


The paths to Python libraries and packages for AWS Cloud9 to use. For example, if you have custom Python libraries and packages in the ~/environment directory, add ~/environment to this path.

Format Code on Save

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 attempts to format Python code whenever Python files are saved.

Custom code formatter

The path to any custom code formatting configuration for Python code.

Go support

Enable Go code completion

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 attempts to complete Go code.

Format Code on Save

If enabled, AWS Cloud9 attempts to format Go code whenever Go files are saved.

Custom code formatter

The path to any custom code formatting configuration for Go code.

Manually stopping your environment's EC2 instance

The EC2 Instance setting allows you to automatically stop your environment's Amazon EC2 instance as quickly as 30 minutes after you close all web browser instances that are connected to the IDE.

You also can manually stop the instance immediately using the console.

To manually stop an environment's EC2 instance

  1. After you closed all web browser instances that are connected to the IDE, choose Your environments in the AWS Cloud9 console.

  2. Choose the button in the top-right of the pane that shows details of the environment that you were using, and choose View details.

  3. In Environment details, under EC2 Instance, choose Go To Instance.

  4. In the Amazon EC2 console, under Instance state, choose the check box to select your environment's instance. The Instance state might indicate that the instance is still running.

  5. Choose Instance state and select Stop instance.

  6. When prompted for confirmation, choose Stop. It can take a few minutes for the instance to stop.