Troubleshooting Systems Manager automation documents in AWS Toolkit - AWS Cloud9

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Troubleshooting Systems Manager automation documents in AWS Toolkit

I saved my automation document in AWS Toolkit, but I don’t see it in the AWS Management Console.

Saving an automation document in AWS Toolkit doesn't publish the automation document to AWS. For more information about publishing your Automation document, see Publishing a Systems Manager automation document.

Publishing my automation document failed with a permissions error.

Make sure your AWS credentials profile has the necessary permissions to publish Automation documents. For an example permissions policy, see IAM permissions for Systems Manager Automation documents.

I published my automation document to AWS, but I don’t see it in the AWS Explorer pane.

Make sure that you’ve published the document to the same AWS Region you’re browsing in the AWS Explorer pane.

I’ve deleted my automation document, but I’m still being billed for the resources it created.

Deleting an automation document doesn’t delete the resources it created or modified. You can identify the AWS resources that you’ve created from the AWS Billing Management Console, explore your charges, and choose what resources to delete from there.