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Step 3: Clean up
To prevent ongoing charges to your AWS account that are related to this tutorial, delete the environment.
You cannot restore your environment after you delete it.
Delete the Environment by using the AWS Cloud9 console
To open the dashboard, on the menu bar in the IDE, choose AWS Cloud9, Go To Your Dashboard.
Do one of the following:
Choose the title inside of the my-demo-environment card, and then choose Delete.
Select the my-demo-environment card, and then choose Delete.
In the Delete dialog box, enter
, and then choose Delete. The delete operation takes a few minutes.
If you followed this tutorial exactly, then the environment was an EC2 environment and AWS Cloud9 also terminates the Amazon EC2 instance that was connected to that environment.
However, if you used an SSH environment instead of following the tutorial, and that environment was connected to an Amazon EC2 instance, AWS Cloud9 doesn't terminate that instance. If you don't terminate that instance later, your AWS account might continue to have ongoing charges for Amazon EC2 that are related to that instance.