Working with Amazon S3 buckets - AWS Cloud9

Working with Amazon S3 buckets

Every object you store in Amazon S3 resides in a bucket. You can use buckets to group related objects in the same way that you use a directory to group files in a file system.

Creating an Amazon S3 bucket

  1. In the AWS Explorer, open the context (right-click) menu for the S3 node, and then choose Create Bucket.

  2. In the Bucket Name field, enter a valid name for the bucket. Press Enter to confirm.

    The new bucket is displayed under the S3 node.


    Because your S3 bucket can be used as a URL that's accessed publicly, the bucket name that you choose must be globally unique. If some other account has already created a bucket with the name that you chose, you must use another name.

    If you can't create a bucket, you can check the AWS Toolkit Logs in the Output tab. For example, if you use a bucket name already in use, a BucketAlreadyExists error occurs. For more information, see Bucket restrictions and limitations in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

    After a bucket is created, you can copy its name and Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to the clipboard. Open the context (right-click) menu for the bucket entry and select the relevant option from the menu.

Adding a folder to an Amazon S3 bucket

You organize a bucket's contents by grouping objects in folders. You can also create folders within other folders.

  1. In the AWS Explorer, choose the S3 node to view the list of buckets.

  2. Open the context (right-click) menu for a bucket or a folder, and then choose Create Folder.

  3. Enter a Folder Name, and then press Enter.

    The new folder is now displayed below the selected bucket and folder in the AWS Explorer window.

Deleting an Amazon S3 bucket

When you delete a bucket, you also delete the folders and objects that it contains. Before the bucket is deleted, you're asked to confirm that you want to do this.


To delete only a folder, not the entire bucket, use the AWS Management Console.

  1. In the AWS Explorer, choose the S3 node to expand the list of buckets.

  2. Open the context menu for the bucket to delete, and then choose Delete.

  3. Enter the bucket's name to confirm that you want to delete it, and then press Enter.


    If the bucket contains objects, the bucket is emptied before you delete it. This can take some time if it's necessary to delete every version of thousands of objects. A notification is displayed after the delete process is complete.

Configuring the display of Amazon S3 items

If you're working with a large number of Amazon S3 objects or folders, it's helpful to specify how many are displayed at one time. When the maximum number is displayed, you can choose Load More to display the next batch.

  1. On the menu bar, choose AWS Cloud9, Preferences.

  2. In the Preferences window, expand Project Settings, and go to the EXTENSIONS section to choose AWS Configuration.

  3. In the AWS Configuration pane, go to the AWS > S3: Max Items Per Page setting.

  4. Before choosing to load more, change the default value to the number of S3 items that you want displayed.


    The range of accepted values is between 3 and 1000. This setting applies only to the number of objects or folders displayed at one time. All the buckets that you created are displayed at once. By default, you can create up to 100 buckets in each of your AWS accounts.