key unshare - AWS CloudHSM

key unshare

The key unshare command unshares a key with other CUs in your AWS CloudHSM cluster.

Only the CU who created the key and consequently owns it can unshare the key. Users with whom a key is shared can use the key in cryptographic operations, but they cannot delete, export, share, or unshare the key. Additionally, these users cannot change key attributes.

User type

The following types of users can run this command.

  • Crypto users (CUs)


To run this command, you must be logged in as a CU.


aws-cloudhsm > help key unshare Unshare a key in the HSM cluster with another user Usage: key unshare --filter [<FILTER>...] --username <USERNAME> --role <ROLE> Options: --cluster-id <CLUSTER_ID> Unique Id to choose which of the clusters in the config file to run the operation against. If not provided, will fall back to the value provided when interactive mode was started, or error --filter [<FILTER>...] Key reference (e.g. key-reference=0xabc) or space separated list of key attributes in the form of attr.KEY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME=KEY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE to select a matching key for unsharing --username <USERNAME> A username with which the key will be unshared --role <ROLE> Role the user has in the cluster Possible values: - crypto-user: A CryptoUser has the ability to manage and use keys - admin: An Admin has the ability to manage user accounts -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Example: Unshare a key with another CU

The following example shows how to use the key unshare command to unshare a key with the CU alice.

  1. Run the key list command and filter by the specific key you want to unshare with alice.

    aws-cloudhsm > key list --filter attr.label="rsa_key_to_share" attr.class=private-key --verbose { "error_code": 0, "data": { "matched_keys": [ { "key-reference": "0x00000000001c0686", "key-info": { "key-owners": [ { "username": "cu3", "key-coverage": "full" } ], "shared-users": [ { "username": "cu2", "key-coverage": "full" }, { "username": "cu1", "key-coverage": "full" }, { "username": "cu4", "key-coverage": "full" }, { "username": "cu5", "key-coverage": "full" }, { "username": "cu6", "key-coverage": "full" }, { "username": "cu7", "key-coverage": "full" }, { "username": "alice", "key-coverage": "full" } ], "cluster-coverage": "full" }, "attributes": { "key-type": "rsa", "label": "rsa_key_to_share", "id": "", "check-value": "0xae8ff0", "class": "private-key", "encrypt": false, "decrypt": true, "token": true, "always-sensitive": true, "derive": false, "destroyable": true, "extractable": true, "local": true, "modifiable": true, "never-extractable": false, "private": true, "sensitive": true, "sign": true, "trusted": false, "unwrap": true, "verify": false, "wrap": false, "wrap-with-trusted": false, "key-length-bytes": 1219, "public-exponent": "0x010001", "modulus": "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", "modulus-size-bits": 2048 } } ], "total_key_count": 1, "returned_key_count": 1 } }
  2. Confirm alice is in the shared-users output, and run the following key unshare command to unshare the key with alice.

    aws-cloudhsm > key unshare --filter attr.label="rsa_key_to_share" attr.class=private-key --username alice --role crypto-user { "error_code": 0, "data": { "message": "Key unshared successfully" } }
  3. Run the key list command again to confirm that the key has been unshared with alice.

    aws-cloudhsm > key list --filter attr.label="rsa_key_to_share" attr.class=private-key --verbose { "error_code": 0, "data": { "matched_keys": [ { "key-reference": "0x00000000001c0686", "key-info": { "key-owners": [ { "username": "cu3", "key-coverage": "full" } ], "shared-users": [ { "username": "cu2", "key-coverage": "full" }, { "username": "cu1", "key-coverage": "full" }, { "username": "cu4", "key-coverage": "full" }, { "username": "cu5", "key-coverage": "full" }, { "username": "cu6", "key-coverage": "full" }, { "username": "cu7", "key-coverage": "full" }, ], "cluster-coverage": "full" }, "attributes": { "key-type": "rsa", "label": "rsa_key_to_share", "id": "", "check-value": "0xae8ff0", "class": "private-key", "encrypt": false, "decrypt": true, "token": true, "always-sensitive": true, "derive": false, "destroyable": true, "extractable": true, "local": true, "modifiable": true, "never-extractable": false, "private": true, "sensitive": true, "sign": true, "trusted": false, "unwrap": true, "verify": false, "wrap": false, "wrap-with-trusted": false, "key-length-bytes": 1219, "public-exponent": "0x010001", "modulus": "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", "modulus-size-bits": 2048 } } ], "total_key_count": 1, "returned_key_count": 1 } }



The ID of the cluster to run this operation on.

Required: If multiple clusters have been configured.


Key reference (for example, key-reference=0xabc) or space separated list of key attributes in the form of attr.KEY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME=KEY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE to select a matching key for deletion.

For a list of supported key attributes, see Key attributes for CloudHSM CLI.

Required: Yes


Specifies a friendly name for the user. The maximum length is 31 characters. The only special character permitted is an underscore ( _ ). The username is not case sensitive in this command, username is always displayed in lowercase.

Required: Yes


Specifies the role assigned to this user. This parameter is required. To get the user’s role, use the user list command. For detailed information about the user types on an HSM, see Understanding HSM users.

Required: Yes

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