Supported key types for JCE provider - AWS CloudHSM

Supported key types for JCE provider

The AWS CloudHSM software library for Java enables you to generate the following key types.

Key Type Description
AES Generate 128, 192, and 256-bit AES keys.
Triple DES (3DES, DESede) Generate a 192-bit Triple DES Key See footnote 1 for an upcoming change.
EC Generate EC key pairs – NIST curves secp224r1 (P-224), secp256r1 (P-256), secp256k1 (Blockchain), secp384r1 (P-384), and secp521r1 (P-521).
GENERIC_SECRET Generate 1 to 800 bytes generic secrets.
HMAC Hash support for SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512.
RSA Generate 2048-bit to 4096-bit RSA keys, in increments of 256 bits.

[1] In accordance with NIST guidance, this is disallowed for clusters in FIPS mode after 2023. For clusters in non-FIPS mode, it is still allowed after 2023. See FIPS 140 Compliance: 2024 Mechanism Deprecation for details.