Microsoft SignTool with AWS CloudHSM step 2: Create a signing certificate - AWS CloudHSM

Microsoft SignTool with AWS CloudHSM step 2: Create a signing certificate

Now that you've downloaded the Windows SDK on to your EC2 instance, you can use it to generate a certificate signing request (CSR). The CSR is an unsigned certificate that is eventually passed to your CA for signing. In this example, we use the certreq executable that's included with the Windows SDK to generate the CSR.

To generate a CSR using the certreq executable
  1. If you haven't already done so, connect to your Windows EC2 instance. For more information, see Connect to Your Instance in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.

  2. Create a file called request.inf that contains the lines below. Replace the Subject information with that of your organization. For an explanation of each parameter, see Microsoft's documentation.

    [Version] Signature= $Windows NT$ [NewRequest] Subject = "C=<Country>,CN=<>,O=<Organization>,OU=<Organizational-Unit>,L=<City>,S=<State>" RequestType=PKCS10 HashAlgorithm = SHA256 KeyAlgorithm = RSA KeyLength = 2048 ProviderName = Cavium Key Storage Provider KeyUsage = "CERT_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_KEY_USAGE" MachineKeySet = True Exportable = False
  3. Run certreq.exe. For this example, we save the CSR as request.csr.

    certreq.exe -new request.inf request.csr

    Internally, a new key pair is generated on your AWS CloudHSM cluster, and the pair's private key is used to create the CSR.

  4. Submit the CSR to your CA. If you are using a Windows Server CA, follow these steps:

    1. Enter the following command to open the CA tool:

    2. In the new window, right-click the CA server's name. Choose All Tasks, and then choose Submit new request.

    3. Navigate to request.csr's location and choose Open.

    4. Navigate to the Pending Requests folder by expanding the Server CA menu. Right-click on the request you just created, and under All Tasks choose Issue.

    5. Now navigate to the Issued Certificates folder (above the Pending Requests folder).

    6. Choose Open to view the certificate, and then choose the Details tab.

    7. Choose Copy to File to start the Certificate Export Wizard. Save the DER-encoded X.509 file to a secure location as signedCertificate.cer.

    8. Exit the CA tool and use the following command, which moves the certificate file to the Personal Certificate Store in Windows. It can then be used by other applications.

      certreq.exe -accept signedCertificate.cer

You can now use your imported certificate to Sign a File .