Create an Audit Manager custom framework from an AWS Config conformance pack using an AWS SDK - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Create an Audit Manager custom framework from an AWS Config conformance pack using an AWS SDK

The following code example shows how to:

  • Get a list of AWS Config conformance packs.

  • Create an Audit Manager custom control for each managed rule in a conformance pack.

  • Create an Audit Manager custom framework that contains the controls.

SDK for Python (Boto3)

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository.

import logging import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ConformancePack: def __init__(self, config_client, auditmanager_client): self.config_client = config_client self.auditmanager_client = auditmanager_client def get_conformance_pack(self): """ Return a selected conformance pack from the list of conformance packs. :return: selected conformance pack """ try: conformance_packs = self.config_client.describe_conformance_packs() print( "Number of conformance packs fetched: ", len(conformance_packs.get("ConformancePackDetails")), ) print("Fetched the following conformance packs: ") all_cpack_names = { cp["ConformancePackName"] for cp in conformance_packs.get("ConformancePackDetails") } for pack in all_cpack_names: print(f"\t{pack}") cpack_name = input( "Provide ConformancePackName that you want to create a custom " "framework for: " ) if cpack_name not in all_cpack_names: print(f"{cpack_name} is not in the list of conformance packs!") print( "Provide a conformance pack name from the available list of " "conformance packs." ) raise Exception("Invalid conformance pack") print("-" * 88) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't select conformance pack.") raise else: return cpack_name def create_custom_controls(self, cpack_name): """ Create custom controls for all managed AWS Config rules in a conformance pack. :param cpack_name: The name of the conformance pack to create controls for. :return: The list of custom control IDs. """ try: rules_in_pack = self.config_client.describe_conformance_pack_compliance( ConformancePackName=cpack_name ) print( "Number of rules in the conformance pack: ", len(rules_in_pack.get("ConformancePackRuleComplianceList")), ) for rule in rules_in_pack.get("ConformancePackRuleComplianceList"): print(f"\t{rule.get('ConfigRuleName')}") print("-" * 88) print( "Creating a custom control for each rule and a custom framework " "consisting of these rules in Audit Manager." ) am_controls = [] for rule in rules_in_pack.get("ConformancePackRuleComplianceList"): config_rule = self.config_client.describe_config_rules( ConfigRuleNames=[rule.get("ConfigRuleName")] ) source_id = ( config_rule.get("ConfigRules")[0] .get("Source", {}) .get("SourceIdentifier") ) custom_control = self.auditmanager_client.create_control( name="Config-" + rule.get("ConfigRuleName"), controlMappingSources=[ { "sourceName": "ConfigRule", "sourceSetUpOption": "System_Controls_Mapping", "sourceType": "AWS_Config", "sourceKeyword": { "keywordInputType": "SELECT_FROM_LIST", "keywordValue": source_id, }, } ], ).get("control", {}) am_controls.append({"id": custom_control.get("id")}) print("Successfully created a control for each config rule.") print("-" * 88) except ClientError: logger.exception("Failed to create custom controls.") raise else: return am_controls def create_custom_framework(self, cpack_name, am_control_ids): """ Create a custom Audit Manager framework from a selected AWS Config conformance pack. :param cpack_name: The name of the conformance pack to create a framework from. :param am_control_ids: The IDs of the custom controls created from the conformance pack. """ try: print("Creating custom framework...") custom_framework = self.auditmanager_client.create_assessment_framework( name="Config-Conformance-pack-" + cpack_name, controlSets=[{"name": cpack_name, "controls": am_control_ids}], ) print( f"Successfully created the custom framework: ", f"{custom_framework.get('framework').get('name')}: ", f"{custom_framework.get('framework').get('id')}", ) print("-" * 88) except ClientError: logger.exception("Failed to create custom framework.") raise def run_demo(): print("-" * 88) print("Welcome to the AWS Audit Manager custom framework demo!") print("-" * 88) print( "You can use this sample to select a conformance pack from AWS Config and " "use AWS Audit Manager to create a custom control for all the managed " "rules under the conformance pack. A custom framework is also created " "with these controls." ) print("-" * 88) conf_pack = ConformancePack(boto3.client("config"), boto3.client("auditmanager")) cpack_name = conf_pack.get_conformance_pack() am_controls = conf_pack.create_custom_controls(cpack_name) conf_pack.create_custom_framework(cpack_name, am_controls) if __name__ == "__main__": run_demo()