Use BatchGetDeployments with an AWS SDK or CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use BatchGetDeployments with an AWS SDK or CLI

The following code examples show how to use BatchGetDeployments.


To get information about multiple deployments

The following batch-get-deployments example displays information about multiple deployments that are associated with the user's AWS account.

aws deploy batch-get-deployments --deployment-ids d-A1B2C3111 d-A1B2C3222


{ "deploymentsInfo": [ { "applicationName": "WordPress_App", "status": "Failed", "deploymentOverview": { "Failed": 0, "InProgress": 0, "Skipped": 0, "Succeeded": 1, "Pending": 0 }, "deploymentConfigName": "CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime", "creator": "user", "deploymentGroupName": "WordPress_DG", "revision": { "revisionType": "S3", "s3Location": { "bundleType": "zip", "version": "uTecLusEXAMPLEFXtfUcyfV8bEXAMPLE", "bucket": "CodeDeployDemoBucket", "key": "" } }, "deploymentId": "d-A1B2C3111", "createTime": 1408480721.9, "completeTime": 1408480741.822 }, { "applicationName": "MyOther_App", "status": "Failed", "deploymentOverview": { "Failed": 1, "InProgress": 0, "Skipped": 0, "Succeeded": 0, "Pending": 0 }, "deploymentConfigName": "CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime", "creator": "user", "errorInformation": { "message": "Deployment failed: Constraint default violated: No hosts succeeded.", "code": "HEALTH_CONSTRAINTS" }, "deploymentGroupName": "MyOther_DG", "revision": { "revisionType": "S3", "s3Location": { "bundleType": "zip", "eTag": "\"dd56cfdEXAMPLE8e768f9d77fEXAMPLE\"", "bucket": "CodeDeployDemoBucket", "key": "" } }, "deploymentId": "d-A1B2C3222", "createTime": 1409764576.589, "completeTime": 1409764596.101 } ] }
Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example gets information about the specified deployments.

Get-CDDeploymentBatch -DeploymentId d-QZMRGSTEX, d-RR0T5KTEX


ApplicationName : CodeDeployDemoApplication CompleteTime : 7/23/2015 11:26:04 PM CreateTime : 7/23/2015 11:24:43 PM Creator : user DeploymentConfigName : CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime DeploymentGroupName : CodeDeployDemoFleet DeploymentId : d-QZMRGSTEX DeploymentOverview : Amazon.CodeDeploy.Model.DeploymentOverview Description : ErrorInformation : IgnoreApplicationStopFailures : False Revision : Amazon.CodeDeploy.Model.RevisionLocation StartTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM Status : Succeeded ApplicationName : CodePipelineDemoApplication CompleteTime : 7/23/2015 6:07:30 PM CreateTime : 7/23/2015 6:06:29 PM Creator : user DeploymentConfigName : CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime DeploymentGroupName : CodePipelineDemoFleet DeploymentId : d-RR0T5KTEX DeploymentOverview : Amazon.CodeDeploy.Model.DeploymentOverview Description : ErrorInformation : IgnoreApplicationStopFailures : False Revision : Amazon.CodeDeploy.Model.RevisionLocation StartTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM Status : Succeeded