Use PutConfigRule with an AWS SDK or CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use PutConfigRule with an AWS SDK or CLI

The following code examples show how to use PutConfigRule.


To add an AWS managed Config rule

The following command provides JSON code to add an AWS managed Config rule:

aws configservice put-config-rule --config-rule file://RequiredTagsForEC2Instances.json

RequiredTagsForEC2Instances.json is a JSON file that contains the rule configuration:

{ "ConfigRuleName": "RequiredTagsForEC2Instances", "Description": "Checks whether the CostCenter and Owner tags are applied to EC2 instances.", "Scope": { "ComplianceResourceTypes": [ "AWS::EC2::Instance" ] }, "Source": { "Owner": "AWS", "SourceIdentifier": "REQUIRED_TAGS" }, "InputParameters": "{\"tag1Key\":\"CostCenter\",\"tag2Key\":\"Owner\"}" }

For the ComplianceResourceTypes attribute, this JSON code limits the scope to resources of the AWS::EC2::Instance type, so AWS Config will evaluate only EC2 instances against the rule. Because the rule is a managed rule, the Owner attribute is set to AWS, and the SourceIdentifier attribute is set to the rule identifier, REQUIRED_TAGS. For the InputParameters attribute, the tag keys that the rule requires, CostCenter and Owner, are specified.

If the command succeeds, AWS Config returns no output. To verify the rule configuration, run the describe-config-rules command, and specify the rule name.

To add a customer managed Config rule

The following command provides JSON code to add a customer managed Config rule:

aws configservice put-config-rule --config-rule file://InstanceTypesAreT2micro.json

InstanceTypesAreT2micro.json is a JSON file that contains the rule configuration:

{ "ConfigRuleName": "InstanceTypesAreT2micro", "Description": "Evaluates whether EC2 instances are the t2.micro type.", "Scope": { "ComplianceResourceTypes": [ "AWS::EC2::Instance" ] }, "Source": { "Owner": "CUSTOM_LAMBDA", "SourceIdentifier": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:InstanceTypeCheck", "SourceDetails": [ { "EventSource": "aws.config", "MessageType": "ConfigurationItemChangeNotification" } ] }, "InputParameters": "{\"desiredInstanceType\":\"t2.micro\"}" }

For the ComplianceResourceTypes attribute, this JSON code limits the scope to resources of the AWS::EC2::Instance type, so AWS Config will evaluate only EC2 instances against the rule. Because this rule is a customer managed rule, the Owner attribute is set to CUSTOM_LAMBDA, and the SourceIdentifier attribute is set to the ARN of the AWS Lambda function. The SourceDetails object is required. The parameters that are specified for the InputParameters attribute are passed to the AWS Lambda function when AWS Config invokes it to evaluate resources against the rule.

If the command succeeds, AWS Config returns no output. To verify the rule configuration, run the describe-config-rules command, and specify the rule name.

  • For API details, see PutConfigRule in AWS CLI Command Reference.

SDK for Python (Boto3)

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository.

class ConfigWrapper: """ Encapsulates AWS Config functions. """ def __init__(self, config_client): """ :param config_client: A Boto3 AWS Config client. """ self.config_client = config_client def put_config_rule(self, rule_name): """ Sets a configuration rule that prohibits making Amazon S3 buckets publicly readable. :param rule_name: The name to give the rule. """ try: self.config_client.put_config_rule( ConfigRule={ "ConfigRuleName": rule_name, "Description": "S3 Public Read Prohibited Bucket Rule", "Scope": { "ComplianceResourceTypes": [ "AWS::S3::Bucket", ], }, "Source": { "Owner": "AWS", "SourceIdentifier": "S3_BUCKET_PUBLIC_READ_PROHIBITED", }, "InputParameters": "{}", "ConfigRuleState": "ACTIVE", } )"Created configuration rule %s.", rule_name) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't create configuration rule %s.", rule_name) raise
  • For API details, see PutConfigRule in AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.