Use DescribeCapacityReservations with a CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use DescribeCapacityReservations with a CLI

The following code examples show how to use DescribeCapacityReservations.


Example 1: To describe one or more of your capacity reservations

The following describe-capacity-reservations example displays details about all of your capacity reservations in the current AWS Region.

aws ec2 describe-capacity-reservations


{ "CapacityReservations": [ { "CapacityReservationId": "cr-1234abcd56EXAMPLE ", "EndDateType": "unlimited", "AvailabilityZone": "eu-west-1a", "InstanceMatchCriteria": "open", "Tags": [], "EphemeralStorage": false, "CreateDate": "2019-08-16T09:03:18.000Z", "AvailableInstanceCount": 1, "InstancePlatform": "Linux/UNIX", "TotalInstanceCount": 1, "State": "active", "Tenancy": "default", "EbsOptimized": true, "InstanceType": "a1.medium" }, { "CapacityReservationId": "cr-abcdEXAMPLE9876ef ", "EndDateType": "unlimited", "AvailabilityZone": "eu-west-1a", "InstanceMatchCriteria": "open", "Tags": [], "EphemeralStorage": false, "CreateDate": "2019-08-07T11:34:19.000Z", "AvailableInstanceCount": 3, "InstancePlatform": "Linux/UNIX", "TotalInstanceCount": 3, "State": "cancelled", "Tenancy": "default", "EbsOptimized": true, "InstanceType": "m5.large" } ] }

Example 2: To describe one or more of your capacity reservations

The following describe-capacity-reservations example displays details about the specified capacity reservation.

aws ec2 describe-capacity-reservations \ --capacity-reservation-ids cr-1234abcd56EXAMPLE


{ "CapacityReservations": [ { "CapacityReservationId": "cr-1234abcd56EXAMPLE", "EndDateType": "unlimited", "AvailabilityZone": "eu-west-1a", "InstanceMatchCriteria": "open", "Tags": [], "EphemeralStorage": false, "CreateDate": "2019-08-16T09:03:18.000Z", "AvailableInstanceCount": 1, "InstancePlatform": "Linux/UNIX", "TotalInstanceCount": 1, "State": "active", "Tenancy": "default", "EbsOptimized": true, "InstanceType": "a1.medium" } ] }

For more information, see Viewing a Capacity Reservation in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Linux Instances.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example describes one or more of your Capacity Reservations for the region

Get-EC2CapacityReservation -Region eu-west-1


AvailabilityZone : eu-west-1b AvailableInstanceCount : 2 CapacityReservationId : cr-0c1f2345db6f7cdba CreateDate : 3/28/2019 9:29:41 AM EbsOptimized : True EndDate : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM EndDateType : unlimited EphemeralStorage : False InstanceMatchCriteria : open InstancePlatform : Windows InstanceType : m4.xlarge State : active Tags : {} Tenancy : default TotalInstanceCount : 2