Use CreateNodegroup with an AWS SDK or CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use CreateNodegroup with an AWS SDK or CLI

The following code examples show how to use CreateNodegroup.


Example 1: Creates a managed node group for an Amazon EKS cluster

The following create-nodegroup example creates a managed node group for an Amazon EKS cluster.

aws eks create-nodegroup \ --cluster-name my-eks-cluster \ --nodegroup-name my-eks-nodegroup \ --node-role arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/role-name \ --subnets "subnet-0e2907431c9988b72" "subnet-04ad87f71c6e5ab4d" "subnet-09d912bb63ef21b9a" \ --scaling-config minSize=1,maxSize=3,desiredSize=1 \ --region us-east-2


{ "nodegroup": { "nodegroupName": "my-eks-nodegroup", "nodegroupArn": "arn:aws:eks:us-east-2:111122223333:nodegroup/my-eks-cluster/my-eks-nodegroup/bac7550f-b8b8-5fbb-4f3e-7502a931119e", "clusterName": "my-eks-cluster", "version": "1.26", "releaseVersion": "1.26.12-20240329", "createdAt": "2024-04-04T13:19:32.260000-04:00", "modifiedAt": "2024-04-04T13:19:32.260000-04:00", "status": "CREATING", "capacityType": "ON_DEMAND", "scalingConfig": { "minSize": 1, "maxSize": 3, "desiredSize": 1 }, "instanceTypes": [ "t3.medium" ], "subnets": [ "subnet-0e2907431c9988b72, subnet-04ad87f71c6e5ab4d, subnet-09d912bb63ef21b9a" ], "amiType": "AL2_x86_64", "nodeRole": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/role-name", "diskSize": 20, "health": { "issues": [] }, "updateConfig": { "maxUnavailable": 1 }, "tags": {} } }

For more information, see Creating a managed node group in the Amazon EKS User Guide.

Example 2: Creates a managed node group for an Amazon EKS cluster with custom instance-types and disk-size

The following create-nodegroup example creates a managed node group for an Amazon EKS cluster with custom instance-types and disk-size.

aws eks create-nodegroup \ --cluster-name my-eks-cluster \ --nodegroup-name my-eks-nodegroup \ --node-role arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/role-name \ --subnets "subnet-0e2907431c9988b72" "subnet-04ad87f71c6e5ab4d" "subnet-09d912bb63ef21b9a" \ --scaling-config minSize=1,maxSize=3,desiredSize=1 \ --capacity-type ON_DEMAND \ --instance-types 'm5.large' \ --disk-size 50 \ --region us-east-2


{ "nodegroup": { "nodegroupName": "my-eks-nodegroup", "nodegroupArn": "arn:aws:eks:us-east-2:111122223333:nodegroup/my-eks-cluster/my-eks-nodegroup/c0c7551b-e4f9-73d9-992c-a450fdb82322", "clusterName": "my-eks-cluster", "version": "1.26", "releaseVersion": "1.26.12-20240329", "createdAt": "2024-04-04T13:46:07.595000-04:00", "modifiedAt": "2024-04-04T13:46:07.595000-04:00", "status": "CREATING", "capacityType": "ON_DEMAND", "scalingConfig": { "minSize": 1, "maxSize": 3, "desiredSize": 1 }, "instanceTypes": [ "m5.large" ], "subnets": [ "subnet-0e2907431c9988b72", "subnet-04ad87f71c6e5ab4d", "subnet-09d912bb63ef21b9a" ], "amiType": "AL2_x86_64", "nodeRole": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/role-name", "diskSize": 50, "health": { "issues": [] }, "updateConfig": { "maxUnavailable": 1 }, "tags": {} } }

For more information, see Creating a managed node group in the Amazon EKS User Guide.

Example 3: Creates a managed node group for an Amazon EKS cluster with custom instance-types, disk-size, ami-type, capacity-type, update-config, labels, taints and tags.

The following create-nodegroup example creates a managed node group for an Amazon EKS cluster with custom instance-types, disk-size, ami-type, capacity-type, update-config, labels, taints and tags.

aws eks create-nodegroup \ --cluster-name my-eks-cluster \ --nodegroup-name my-eks-nodegroup \ --node-role arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/role-name \ --subnets "subnet-0e2907431c9988b72" "subnet-04ad87f71c6e5ab4d" "subnet-09d912bb63ef21b9a" \ --scaling-config minSize=1,maxSize=5,desiredSize=4 \ --instance-types 't3.large' \ --disk-size 50 \ --ami-type AL2_x86_64 \ --capacity-type SPOT \ --update-config maxUnavailable=2 \ --labels '{"my-eks-nodegroup-label-1": "value-1" , "my-eks-nodegroup-label-2": "value-2"}' \ --taints '{"key": "taint-key-1" , "value": "taint-value-1", "effect": "NO_EXECUTE"}' \ --tags '{"my-eks-nodegroup-key-1": "value-1" , "my-eks-nodegroup-key-2": "value-2"}'


{ "nodegroup": { "nodegroupName": "my-eks-nodegroup", "nodegroupArn": "arn:aws:eks:us-east-2:111122223333:nodegroup/my-eks-cluster/my-eks-nodegroup/88c75524-97af-0cb9-a9c5-7c0423ab5314", "clusterName": "my-eks-cluster", "version": "1.26", "releaseVersion": "1.26.12-20240329", "createdAt": "2024-04-04T14:05:07.940000-04:00", "modifiedAt": "2024-04-04T14:05:07.940000-04:00", "status": "CREATING", "capacityType": "SPOT", "scalingConfig": { "minSize": 1, "maxSize": 5, "desiredSize": 4 }, "instanceTypes": [ "t3.large" ], "subnets": [ "subnet-0e2907431c9988b72", "subnet-04ad87f71c6e5ab4d", "subnet-09d912bb63ef21b9a" ], "amiType": "AL2_x86_64", "nodeRole": "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/role-name", "labels": { "my-eks-nodegroup-label-2": "value-2", "my-eks-nodegroup-label-1": "value-1" }, "taints": [ { "key": "taint-key-1", "value": "taint-value-1", "effect": "NO_EXECUTE" } ], "diskSize": 50, "health": { "issues": [] }, "updateConfig": { "maxUnavailable": 2 }, "tags": { "my-eks-nodegroup-key-1": "value-1", "my-eks-nodegroup-key-2": "value-2" } } }

For more information, see Creating a managed node group in the Amazon EKS User Guide.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This cmdlet creates a managed worker node group for an Amazon EKS cluster. You can only create a node group for your cluster that is equal to the current Kubernetes version for the cluster. All node groups are created with the latest AMI release version for the respective minor Kubernetes version of the cluster.

New-EKSNodeGroup -NodeGroupName "ProdEKSNodeGroup" -AmiType "AL2_x86_64" -DiskSize 40 -ClusterName "PROD" -ScalingConfig_DesiredSize 2 -ScalingConfig_MinSize 2 -ScalingConfig_MaxSize 5 -InstanceType t3.large -NodeRole "arn:aws:iam::012345678912:role/NodeInstanceRole" -Subnet "subnet-0d1a9fff35efa7691","subnet-0a3f4928edbc224d4"


AmiType : AL2_x86_64 ClusterName : PROD CreatedAt : 12/25/2019 10:16:45 AM DiskSize : 40 Health : Amazon.EKS.Model.NodegroupHealth InstanceTypes : {t3.large} Labels : {} ModifiedAt : 12/25/2019 10:16:45 AM NodegroupArn : arn:aws:eks:us-west-2:012345678912:nodegroup/PROD/ProdEKSNodeGroup/7eb79e47-82b6-04d9-e984-95110db6fa85 NodegroupName : ProdEKSNodeGroup NodeRole : arn:aws:iam::012345678912:role/NodeInstanceRole ReleaseVersion : 1.14.7-20190927 RemoteAccess : Resources : ScalingConfig : Amazon.EKS.Model.NodegroupScalingConfig Status : CREATING Subnets : {subnet-0d1a9fff35efa7691, subnet-0a3f4928edbc224d4} Tags : {} Version : 1.14
  • For API details, see CreateNodegroup in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.