Build an Amazon Transcribe app - AWS SDK Code Examples

There are more AWS SDK examples available in the AWS Doc SDK Examples GitHub repo.

Build an Amazon Transcribe app

The following code example shows how to use Amazon Transcribe to transcribe and display voice recordings in the browser.

SDK for JavaScript (v3)

Create an app that uses Amazon Transcribe to transcribe and display voice recordings in the browser. The app uses two Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets, one to host the application code, and another to store transcriptions. The app uses an Amazon Cognito user pool to authenticate your users. Authenticated users have AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions to access the required AWS services.

For complete source code and instructions on how to set up and run, see the full example on GitHub.

This example is also available in the AWS SDK for JavaScript v3 developer guide.

Services used in this example
  • Amazon Cognito Identity

  • Amazon S3

  • Amazon Transcribe