Get an Amazon S3 object from a Multi-Region Access Point by using an AWS SDK - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Get an Amazon S3 object from a Multi-Region Access Point by using an AWS SDK

The following code example shows how to get an object from a Multi-Region Access Point.

SDK for Kotlin

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository.

Configure the S3 client to use the Asymmetric Sigv4 (Sigv4a) signing algorithm.

suspend fun createS3Client(): S3Client { // Configure your S3Client to use the Asymmetric Sigv4 (Sigv4a) signing algorithm. val sigV4AScheme = SigV4AsymmetricAuthScheme(CrtAwsSigner) val s3 = S3Client.fromEnvironment { authSchemes = listOf(sigV4AScheme) } return s3 }

Use the Multi-Region Access Point ARN instead of a bucket name to retrieve the object.

suspend fun getObjectFromMrap( s3: S3Client, mrapArn: String, keyName: String, ): String? { val request = GetObjectRequest { bucket = mrapArn // Use the ARN instead of the bucket name for object operations. key = keyName } var stringObj: String? = null s3.getObject(request) { resp -> stringObj = resp.body?.decodeToString() if (stringObj != null) { println("Successfully read $keyName from $mrapArn") } } return stringObj }