Use GetSendStatistics with an AWS SDK or CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use GetSendStatistics with an AWS SDK or CLI

The following code examples show how to use GetSendStatistics.


To get your Amazon SES sending statistics

The following example uses the get-send-statistics command to return your Amazon SES sending statistics

aws ses get-send-statistics


{ "SendDataPoints": [ { "Complaints": 0, "Timestamp": "2013-06-12T19:32:00Z", "DeliveryAttempts": 2, "Bounces": 0, "Rejects": 0 }, { "Complaints": 0, "Timestamp": "2013-06-12T00:47:00Z", "DeliveryAttempts": 1, "Bounces": 0, "Rejects": 0 } ] }

The result is a list of data points, representing the last two weeks of sending activity. Each data point in the list contains statistics for a 15-minute interval.

In this example, there are only two data points because the only emails that the user sent in the last two weeks fell within two 15-minute intervals.

For more information, see Monitoring Your Amazon SES Usage Statistics in the Amazon Simple Email Service Developer Guide.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This command returns the user's sending statistics. The result is a list of data points, representing the last two weeks of sending activity. Each data point in the list contains statistics for a 15-minute interval.

  • For API details, see GetSendStatistics in AWS Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.