Use DescribeAutomationExecutions with a CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use DescribeAutomationExecutions with a CLI

The following code examples show how to use DescribeAutomationExecutions.


To describe an automation execution

The following describe-automation-executions example displays details about an Automation execution.

aws ssm describe-automation-executions \ --filters Key=ExecutionId,Values=73c8eef8-f4ee-4a05-820c-e354fEXAMPLE


{ "AutomationExecutionMetadataList": [ { "AutomationExecutionId": "73c8eef8-f4ee-4a05-820c-e354fEXAMPLE", "DocumentName": "AWS-StartEC2Instance", "DocumentVersion": "1", "AutomationExecutionStatus": "Success", "ExecutionStartTime": 1583737233.748, "ExecutionEndTime": 1583737234.719, "ExecutedBy": "arn:aws:sts::29884EXAMPLE:assumed-role/mw_service_role/OrchestrationService", "LogFile": "", "Outputs": {}, "Mode": "Auto", "Targets": [], "ResolvedTargets": { "ParameterValues": [], "Truncated": false }, "AutomationType": "Local" } ] }

For more information, see Running a Simple Automation Workflow in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example describes all active and terminated Automation Executions associated with your account.



AutomationExecutionId : 4105a4fc-f944-11e6-9d32-8fb2db27a909 AutomationExecutionStatus : Failed DocumentName : AWS-UpdateLinuxAmi DocumentVersion : 1 ExecutedBy : admin ExecutionEndTime : 2/22/2017 9:17:08 PM ExecutionStartTime : 2/22/2017 9:17:02 PM LogFile : Outputs : {[createImage.ImageId, Amazon.Runtime.Internal.Util.AlwaysSendList`1[System.String]]}

Example 2: This example displays ExecutionID, document, execution start/end timestamp for executions with AutomationExecutionStatus other than 'Success'

Get-SSMAutomationExecutionList | Where-Object AutomationExecutionStatus -ne "Success" | Select-Object AutomationExecutionId, DocumentName, AutomationExecutionStatus, ExecutionStartTime, ExecutionEndTime | Format-Table -AutoSize


AutomationExecutionId DocumentName AutomationExecutionStatus ExecutionStartTime ExecutionEndTime --------------------- ------------ ------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- e1d2bad3-4567-8901-ae23-456c7c8901be AWS-UpdateWindowsAmi Cancelled 4/16/2019 5:37:04 AM 4/16/2019 5:47:29 AM 61234567-a7f8-90e1-2b34-567b8bf9012c Fixed-UpdateAmi Cancelled 4/16/2019 5:33:04 AM 4/16/2019 5:40:15 AM 91234d56-7e89-0ac1-2aee-34ea5d6a7c89 AWS-UpdateWindowsAmi Failed 4/16/2019 5:22:46 AM 4/16/2019 5:27:29 AM