Use DescribeAutomationStepExecutions with a CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use DescribeAutomationStepExecutions with a CLI

The following code examples show how to use DescribeAutomationStepExecutions.


Example 1: To describe all steps for an automation execution

The following describe-automation-step-executions example displays details about the steps of an Automation execution.

aws ssm describe-automation-step-executions \ --automation-execution-id 73c8eef8-f4ee-4a05-820c-e354fEXAMPLE


{ "StepExecutions": [ { "StepName": "startInstances", "Action": "aws:changeInstanceState", "ExecutionStartTime": 1583737234.134, "ExecutionEndTime": 1583737234.672, "StepStatus": "Success", "Inputs": { "DesiredState": "\"running\"", "InstanceIds": "[\"i-0cb99161f6EXAMPLE\"]" }, "Outputs": { "InstanceStates": [ "running" ] }, "StepExecutionId": "95e70479-cf20-4d80-8018-7e4e2EXAMPLE", "OverriddenParameters": {} } ] }

Example 2: To describe a specific step for an automation execution

The following describe-automation-step-executions example displays details about a specific step of an Automation execution.

aws ssm describe-automation-step-executions \ --automation-execution-id 73c8eef8-f4ee-4a05-820c-e354fEXAMPLE \ --filters Key=StepExecutionId,Values=95e70479-cf20-4d80-8018-7e4e2EXAMPLE

For more information, see Running an Automation Workflow Step by Step (Command Line) in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This exmaple displays information about all active and terminated step executions in an Automation workflow.

Get-SSMAutomationStepExecution -AutomationExecutionId e1d2bad3-4567-8901-ae23-456c7c8901be | Select-Object StepName, Action, StepStatus


StepName Action StepStatus -------- ------ ---------- LaunchInstance aws:runInstances Success OSCompatibilityCheck aws:runCommand Success RunPreUpdateScript aws:runCommand Success UpdateEC2Config aws:runCommand Cancelled UpdateSSMAgent aws:runCommand Pending UpdateAWSPVDriver aws:runCommand Pending UpdateAWSEnaNetworkDriver aws:runCommand Pending UpdateAWSNVMe aws:runCommand Pending InstallWindowsUpdates aws:runCommand Pending RunPostUpdateScript aws:runCommand Pending RunSysprepGeneralize aws:runCommand Pending StopInstance aws:changeInstanceState Pending CreateImage aws:createImage Pending TerminateInstance aws:changeInstanceState Pending