Use UpdatePatchBaseline with a CLI - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use UpdatePatchBaseline with a CLI

The following code examples show how to use UpdatePatchBaseline.


Example 1: To update a patch baseline

The following update-patch-baseline example adds the specified two patches as rejected and one patch as approved to the specified patch baseline.

aws ssm update-patch-baseline \ --baseline-id "pb-0123456789abcdef0" \ --rejected-patches "KB2032276" "MS10-048" \ --approved-patches "KB2124261"


{ "BaselineId": "pb-0123456789abcdef0", "Name": "WindowsPatching", "OperatingSystem": "WINDOWS", "GlobalFilters": { "PatchFilters": [] }, "ApprovalRules": { "PatchRules": [ { "PatchFilterGroup": { "PatchFilters": [ { "Key": "PRODUCT", "Values": [ "WindowsServer2016" ] } ] }, "ComplianceLevel": "CRITICAL", "ApproveAfterDays": 0, "EnableNonSecurity": false } ] }, "ApprovedPatches": [ "KB2124261" ], "ApprovedPatchesComplianceLevel": "UNSPECIFIED", "ApprovedPatchesEnableNonSecurity": false, "RejectedPatches": [ "KB2032276", "MS10-048" ], "RejectedPatchesAction": "ALLOW_AS_DEPENDENCY", "CreatedDate": 1550244180.465, "ModifiedDate": 1550244180.465, "Description": "Patches for Windows Servers", "Sources": [] }

Example 2: To rename a patch baseline

The following update-patch-baseline example renames the specified patch baseline.

aws ssm update-patch-baseline \ --baseline-id "pb-0713accee01234567" \ --name "Windows-Server-2012-R2-Important-and-Critical-Security-Updates"

For more information, see Update or Delete a Patch Baseline <>`__ in the AWS Systems Manager User Guide.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example adds two patches as rejected and one patch as approved to an existing patch baseline.

Update-SSMPatchBaseline -BaselineId "pb-03da896ca3b68b639" -RejectedPatch "KB2032276","MS10-048" -ApprovedPatch "KB2124261"


ApprovalRules : Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.PatchRuleGroup ApprovedPatches : {KB2124261} BaselineId : pb-03da896ca3b68b639 CreatedDate : 3/3/2017 5:02:19 PM Description : Baseline containing all updates approved for production systems GlobalFilters : Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.PatchFilterGroup ModifiedDate : 3/3/2017 5:22:10 PM Name : Production-Baseline RejectedPatches : {KB2032276, MS10-048}