Use DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckSummaries with an AWS SDK or command line tool - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Use DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckSummaries with an AWS SDK or command line tool

The following code examples show how to use DescribeTrustedAdvisorCheckSummaries.


To list the summaries of AWS Trusted Advisor checks

The following describe-trusted-advisor-check-summaries example lists the results for two Trusted Advisor checks: Amazon S3 Bucket Permissions and IAM Use.

aws support describe-trusted-advisor-check-summaries \ --check-ids "Pfx0RwqBli" "zXCkfM1nI3"


{ "summaries": [ { "checkId": "Pfx0RwqBli", "timestamp": "2020-05-13T21:38:12Z", "status": "ok", "hasFlaggedResources": true, "resourcesSummary": { "resourcesProcessed": 44, "resourcesFlagged": 0, "resourcesIgnored": 0, "resourcesSuppressed": 0 }, "categorySpecificSummary": { "costOptimizing": { "estimatedMonthlySavings": 0.0, "estimatedPercentMonthlySavings": 0.0 } } }, { "checkId": "zXCkfM1nI3", "timestamp": "2020-05-13T21:38:05Z", "status": "ok", "hasFlaggedResources": true, "resourcesSummary": { "resourcesProcessed": 1, "resourcesFlagged": 0, "resourcesIgnored": 0, "resourcesSuppressed": 0 }, "categorySpecificSummary": { "costOptimizing": { "estimatedMonthlySavings": 0.0, "estimatedPercentMonthlySavings": 0.0 } } } ] }

For more information, see AWS Trusted Advisor in the AWS Support User Guide.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: Returns the latest summary for the specified Trusted Advisor check.

Get-ASATrustedAdvisorCheckSummary -CheckId "checkid1"

Example 2: Returns the latest summaries for the specified Trusted Advisor checks.

Get-ASATrustedAdvisorCheckSummary -CheckId @("checkid1", "checkid2")