Code examples for S3 Glacier using AWS SDKs - AWS SDK Code Examples

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Code examples for S3 Glacier using AWS SDKs

The following code examples show you how to use Amazon S3 Glacier with an AWS software development kit (SDK).

Basics are code examples that show you how to perform the essential operations within a service.

Actions are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. While actions show you how to call individual service functions, you can see actions in context in their related scenarios.

Scenarios are code examples that show you how to accomplish specific tasks by calling multiple functions within a service or combined with other AWS services.

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Get started

The following code example shows how to get started using Amazon S3 Glacier.


There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the AWS Code Examples Repository.

using Amazon.Glacier; using Amazon.Glacier.Model; namespace GlacierActions; public static class HelloGlacier { static async Task Main() { var glacierService = new AmazonGlacierClient(); Console.WriteLine("Hello Amazon Glacier!"); Console.WriteLine("Let's list your Glacier vaults:"); // You can use await and any of the async methods to get a response. // Let's get the vaults using a paginator. var glacierVaultPaginator = glacierService.Paginators.ListVaults( new ListVaultsRequest { AccountId = "-" }); await foreach (var vault in glacierVaultPaginator.VaultList) { Console.WriteLine($"{vault.CreationDate}:{vault.VaultName}, ARN:{vault.VaultARN}"); } } }
  • For API details, see ListVaults in AWS SDK for .NET API Reference.